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Interlibrary borrowing

We can help you borrow books, articles, or other materials that Stanford does not have (so be sure to check SearchWorks or consult with a librarian first!). Check to make sure that you're eligible to use interlibrary services and that the materials are eligible to be borrowed.

The way you borrow from non-Stanford libraries depends on your status at Stanford, how quickly you need the item, and which library owns it. You may be able to submit your request via RLCP (fastest) or Interlibrary Borrowing.

1. Does Stanford own the item? Check SearchWorks

Get it at Stanford. Find out how
Continue to #2

2. Are you faculty, graduate student, or academic staff?

If the item is at UC Berkeley (Check OskiCat), then the fastest option is to use RLCP direct borrowing. If the item is not at UC Berkeley, use Interlibrary Borrowing.
Continue to #3

3. Are you faculty, student, staff, Visiting Scholar?

Use Interlibrary Borrowing (casts the widest net)

You are not eligible for Stanford's interlibrary services.