Career Center


Your credentials (cover letter, CV, resume) provide the first impression an employer or organization will have of you. Skillfully developed, presented, and targeted materials demonstrate to a hiring manager your accomplishments, your goals and the ways which you would be a good fit for their organization. The purpose in developing of your credentials is to secure an interview.

Cover Letters

Cover letters serve to introduce and provide a first impression of a candidate to a potential employer through formal communication pathways. Well written cover letters present an employer with a writing sample highlighting a candidate’s background, skills and experience through well articulated examples, and providing the reader with a natural introduction to the candidate’s resume or CV. By demonstrating ‘fit’ between a candidate’s background and the employer’s goals, a cover letter’s objective is to motivate the reader to invite the candidate for an interview.


Academic or educational institutions, government and private research organizations generally require the submission of a Curriculum Vitae (CV) as a part of the application process. A CV is a detailed summary of your academic background and training including teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, honors and awards, grants and fellowships, professional affiliations and licenses, and any additional relevant information. CVs are a comprehensive overview of your research and training and may be many pages in length. In the United States personal information such as date of birth, nationality, marital status or number of children does not appear on a CV.


Not to be interchanged with the CV, a resume is the professional document traditionally used in the private sector. The one or two page resume is a summary of your qualifications, experience and education specifically relevant to the position or organization to which you are applying. Focused on marketable skills and achievements, resumes should be submitted unless a CV is specifically requested. Relevant content, clarity and readability are essential to effective resume writing as employers spend 30-60 seconds reviewing these documents.

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