Career Center

Opportunities for External Organizations to Engage

The Stanford University School of Medicine is a hub of innovative scientific and technological research, representing the distinctive talents of the PhD, MD students, clinicians, and post doctoral scholars within it.   The SoMCC partners with leading companies and organizations to help them build and strengthen relationships with SoM trainees, raising awareness of research activities and trends within various industry sectors, and helping to stimulate economic development and employment growth within the bioscience labor market.  The following are ways we invite you to become involved with our office and community:

Partners and Affiliates Program

We are pleased to work with organizations across all industry sectors where life and medical scientists are performing important work and making contributions.  Through the Partners and Affiliates program, we offer customized opportunites to engage with the Stanford community and continaully strengthen university-industry relationships through the SoMCC. 

Stimulate Awareness of Research Directions and Trends Across Industries and Fields

Build and Strengthen Relationships with SoM Trainees

Job Posting: Advertise your job and internship opportunities to a deep pool of Stanford talent! Reach Bioscience students, postdocs and alumni, as well as medical students, fellows, residents and alumni, through the Stanford SciMed job and internship database. Register your organization and post as many jobs and internships as you like.


Stanford Medicine Resources:

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