Hardware Support

For most School of Medicine users, Hardware Support (if any is provided locally) is provided by the IT support staff in the local department. 

For most of the School of Medicine’s Central Administrative Units, IRT offers hardware support for all computing resources (computers, peripherals, PDAs). For these units, if IRT verifies that a hardware issue exists and your machine is under warranty, our staff will act as the liaison to your hardware’s manufacturer or service provider. If your machine is out of warranty, our staff will get an estimate from a repair service and manage the transaction with your approval.

Data Recovery

As with other hardware support, most data recovery is performed by the IT support staff in your local department. IRT will attempt to recover lost or deleted data from a damaged hard drive from a Central Administrative Unit user's computer.

If our procedures are unable to recover your lost data, we can help you find a paid data recovery service. (Don't wait for this to happen to you; IRT can help you start backing up your computer, so you can rescue your data before it's lost.)

Disposal of Old Hardware

Each department has a Departmental Property Administrator who is familiar with the procedures needed to dispose of old property. Typically this person will inventory the asset, scrub the hard drive (if any) and arrange for pick-up. 

If you have a hard drive which cannot be scrubbed of data using the regular process, there are designated secure hard-drive disposal bins, located around the School of Medicine. On campus, you can drop off hard drives in Club Med (M039, in the basement of Alway). There is also a disposal location at Stanford Menlo Park, in the IRT offices. Call us at 5-8000 for more information about where to bring a drive for shredding.