SIEPR Research Programs

SIEPR has six stand-alone research programs focusing on specific areas of economic policy and a general program. Each research program has a director who is the primary researcher in the program and is responsible for all of the research and funding in the program.

Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Program (ENREP)

Jim Sweeney and Larry Goulder direct ENREP, which examines energy research such as the effect of automobile fuel efficiency standards, California’s greenhouse gas emission legislation (AB 32), and other environmental issues.

General Research Program

All of the assorted research projects such as junior faculty seed grants and other projects that do not fit into one of the centers or programs reside in general research. The substantial research on firm competitiveness undertaken by Liran Einav, including gathering industry data, is one example of a long-term general research project.

Health Economics Program

Faculty at the Health Economics Program works on understanding how to improve the efficiency of the U.S. health care system and how to use the tools of economic analysis to improve health and health care in the developing world and in wealthy nations.

Knowledge Networks and Institutions for Innovation Program (KNIIP) 

Faculty work on many public and private policy issues relating to the changing institutional and technological conditions affecting the production and distribution of scientific and technological knowledge.

Law and Economics Program

The program in Law and Economics concentrate on the topics of antitrust policy, intellectual property policy, and the law and economics of high-technology industries particularly software and on-line services industries.

Program on Market Design

The market design program promotes research and intellectual exchange among scholars doing empirical, theoretical, and experimental research into the ways that the rules of an auction, exchange, or other market affect its performance.