Speaker Engagement

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The Stanford Graduate School of Business provides a number of opportunities for industry’s top thought leaders to share their perspective, expertise, and advice with our students.  Please contact us to learn how your organization can participate.

View from the Top Speaker Series

The Dean's speaker series, View From The Top, is a student-run initiative that brings well-respected leaders from a variety of business, government and social sector communities to campus to share their personal views on leadership with student audiences. Speakers typically discuss their core values, share their lessons learned, and their recipe for effective leadership; including reflection on career and life choices. Past speakers have included Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sheila Johnson, and Colin Powell.

Global Speakers Series

The Global Management Program (GMP) seeks to enrich the GSB community's global perspective by inviting top executives, government leaders, and other distinguished guests to speak on globally relevant topics as part of its Global Speaker Series. Speakers share personal reflections on leading a global career and inspire students to develop as future leaders in their fields of choice.

Student Conferences and Events

Student conferences offer organizations an opportunity to connect with a targeted group of students, and build brand awareness on campus. The student-led conferences provide a unique opportunity to align your organization's industry expertise with the interests of our students through participation as panelists and lead speakers at the campus events.