Faculty Profiles


Aaker, Jennifer Professor
Abbey, Douglas Lecturer
Abrahams, Matt Lecturer
Admati, Anat Professor
Allen, Dick Lecturer
Athey, Susan Professor
Aubry, Rick Lecturer


Bannick, Mathew Lecturer
Barnett, William Professor
Baron, David Professor Emeritus
Barth, Mary Professor
Bayati, Mohsen Assistant Professor
Beaver, William Professor Emeritus
Beiker, Sven Lecturer
Bendor, Jonathan Professor
Benkard, Lanier Professor
Berk, Jonathan Professor
Bernstein, Shai Assistant Professor
Bettinger, Eric Associate Professor (by courtesy)
Beyer, Anne Associate Professor
Bimpikis, Kostas Assistant Professor
Binsbergen, Jules Associate Professor
Blankespoor, Elizabeth Assistant Professor
Bloom, Nicholas Professor (by courtesy)
Bonini, Charles Professor Emeritus
Bowen, Renee Assistant Professor
Bowman, Kirk Lecturer
Bradford, David Senior Lecturer Emeritus
Brady, David Professor
Brady, Scott Lecturer
Breon-Drish, Bradyn Assistant Professor
Bresnahan, Timothy Professor (by courtesy)
Brest, Paul Professor and Dean Emeritus
Bristol, Scott Lecturer
Bulow, Jeremy Professor
Burgelman, Robert Professor


Callander, Steven Professor
Carroll, Glenn Professor
Casey, Katherine Assistant Professor
Casscells, R. Lecturer
Catz, Safra Lecturer
Chang, Patricia Lecturer
Chess, Robert Lecturer
Child, Michael Lecturer
Ciesinski, Steve Lecturer
Cohen, Geoffrey Professor (by courtesy)


Daines, Robert Professor (by courtesy)
De Simone, Lisa Assistant Professor
deHaan, Ed Assistant Professor
DeMarzo, Peter Professor
Dexter, Gary Lecturer
Di Tella, Sebastian Assistant Professor
Dodson, David Lecturer
Duffie, Darrell Professor


Ellis, Jim Lecturer
Enthoven, Alain Professor Emeritus
Eyal, Nir Lecturer


Feinberg, Yossi Professor
Ferguson, John-Paul Assistant Professor
Finan, Frederico Associate Professor
Flanagan, Robert Professor Emeritus
Flink, Chris Lecturer
Flynn, Francis Professor
Foster, George Professor
Francis, Peter Lecturer


Glynn, John Lecturer
Goldberg, Amir Assistant Professor
Greer, Lindred Assistant Professor
Grenadier, Steven Professor
Grousbeck, H. Consulting Professor
Grove, Andrew Lecturer
Gruenfeld, Deborah Professor
Grundfest, Joseph Professor (by courtesy)
Guttentag, Bill Lecturer


Halevy, Nir Assistant Professor
Hannan, Michael Professor
Harrison, J Professor Emeritus
Hartmann, Wesley Associate Professor
Hasan, Sharique Assistant Professor
Hausman, Warren Professor (by courtesy)
Heath, Chip Professor
Hennessey, Keith Lecturer
Holloway, Charles Professor Emeritus
Hoshi, Takeo Professor (by courtesy)
Howard, Ronald Professor (by courtesy)
Howell, James Professor Emeritus
Hoxby, Caroline Professor (by courtesy)
Huang, Szu-chi Assistant Professor
Hurley, John Lecturer


Iancu, Dan Assistant Professor
Imbens, Guido Professor
Ishii, Joy Assistant Professor


Jaedicke, Robert Professor and Dean Emeritus
Jenter, Dirk Associate Professor
Jha, Saumitra Assistant Professor
Jones, Chad Professor
Joss, Robert Professor and Dean Emeritus


Kasznik, Ron Professor
Katzir, Dan Lecturer
Kelly, Peter Lecturer
Kelman, Mark Professor (by courtesy)
Kessler, Daniel Professor
Khan, Uzma Associate Professor
Klein, Stuart Lecturer
Korteweg, Arthur Associate Professor
Koudijs, Peter Assistant Professor
Kramer, Roderick Professor
Krehbiel, Keith Professor
Kreps, David Professor


Lambert, Nicolas Assistant Professor
Lang, Mary Lecturer
Larcker, David Professor
Lattin, James Professor
Laurin, Kristin Assistant Professor
Lazear, Edward Professor
Lee, Charles Professor
Lee, Gloria Lecturer
Lee, Hau Professor
Leslie, Mark Lecturer
Levav, Jonathan Associate Professor
Levin, Jonathan Professor (by courtesy)
Levine, Peter Lecturer
Linbeck, Leo Lecturer
Lockwood, David Lecturer
Lowery, Brian Professor


Mak, Kevin Lecturer
Malhotra, Neil Associate Professor
March, James Professor Emeritus
Marinovic, Ivan Assistant Professor
Marks, Michael Lecturer
Martin, Ian Associate Professor
Martin, Joanne Professor Emerita
McDonald, Jack Professor
McFarland, Daniel Associate Professor (by courtesy)
McLennan, Scotty Lecturer
McNichols, Maureen Professor
McQuade, Timothy Assistant Professor
Meehan, Bill Lecturer
Mendelson, Haim Professor
Milgrom, Paul Professor (by courtesy)
Miller, Dale Professor
Miller, William Professor Emeritus
Monin, Benoît Professor
Montgomery, David Professor Emeritus
Morgridge, John Lecturer


Nair, Harikesh Associate Professor
Narayanan, Sridhar Associate Professor
Neale, Margaret Professor


O'Reilly, Charles Professor
Ostrovsky, Michael Associate Professor
Oyer, Paul Professor


Parker, George Professor Emeritus
Patell, James Professor
Pearl, Robert Lecturer
Pérez-González, Francisco Assistant Professor
Peterson, Joel Consulting Professor
Pfeffer, Jeffrey Professor
Pfleiderer, Paul Professor
Phills, James Professor (Teaching)
Piotroski, Joseph Associate Professor
Plambeck, Erica Professor
Porras, Jerry Professor Emeritus
Porteus, Evan Professor Emeritus
Powell, Walter Professor (by courtesy)


Rachleff, Andrew Lecturer
Rajan, Madhav Professor
Rao, Hayagreeva Professor
Rauh, Joshua Professor
Ray, Michael Professor Emeritus
Reguant, Mar Assistant Professor
Reiss, Peter Professor
Rice, Condoleezza Professor
Roberts, John Professor Emeritus
Robin, Carole Lecturer
Rohan, Dennis Lecturer
Rowen, Henry Professor Emeritus


Sahni, Navdeep Assistant Professor
Scholes, Myron Professor Emeritus
Schramm, JD Lecturer
Seiler, Stephan Assistant Professor
Sharpe, William Professor Emeritus
Shaw, Kathryn Professor
Shiv, Baba Professor
Shotts, Ken Professor
Siegel, Robert Lecturer
Simonson, Itamar Professor
Singleton, Kenneth Professor
Skrzypacz, Andrzej Professor
Soule, Sarah Professor
Spence, A Professor and Dean Emeritus
Srinivasan, V Professor Emeritus
Stanton, Francis Lecturer
Stevens, Mark Lecturer
Strebulaev, Ilya A Associate Professor
Strober, Myra Professor Emerita
Sugaya, Takuo Assistant Professor
Sutton, Robert Professor (by courtesy)
Sørensen, Jesper Professor


Taweel, Kevin Lecturer
Tiedens, Larissa Professor
Tonetti, Christopher Assistant Professor
Tormala, Zakary Associate Professor


Van Reenen, John Visiting Professor
VanHorne, James Professor Emeritus


Watson, John Lecturer
Wein, Lawrence Professor
Wendell, Peter Lecturer
Whang, Seungjin Professor
Wheeler, S. Professor
Wilson, Robert Professor Emeritus
Wolfson, Mark Consulting Professor
Wurster, Thomas Lecturer


Yock, Paul Professor (by courtesy)
Yurukoglu, Ali Assistant Professor


Zegart, Amy Lecturer
Zenios, Stefanos Professor
Ziebelman, Peter Lecturer
Zwiebel, Jeffrey Professor