Articles on social change from the latest edition of SSIR


Fall 2005

Volume 3, Number 3

Stanford Social Innovation Review investigates “The Myth of CSR” in the fall 2005 issue.  Corporate social responsibility programs are intended to let a company do good while doing well, but what happens when markets falter? Profit, says author Deborah Donate, always trumps principles. And even without market pressure, what is good for a corporation isn’t always good for society.

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Civil Society

Imagining a Democracy

In Morocco, there are 33,000 NGOs, many of which are engaged in a massive struggle to bring a civil society to life.

By Mark Macnamara

Socially Responsible Business

The Myth of CSR

The problem with assuming that companies can do well while also doing good is that markets don't really work that way

By Deborah Doane | 3

Civil Society

The Workings of Class

Though rarely discussed in America, the subtle differences between social classes lead to major misunderstandings in the classroom, the workplace, and in many nonprofit settings.

By Adrie Kusserow

Field Report



Project GRAD builds community support for educational reform in the inner city.

By Holly Holland


Small Is Beautiful

Banks in Mexico say that microloans are helping the poor while boosting their profits.

By Ricardo Sandoval

Urban Development

Simply Successful

A Boston nonprofit's simple mission attracts sustained support and helps working-poor families.

By Deirdre Fulton

Economic Development

Local Heroes

How Mexican immigrants have forged complex government partnerships to improve living conditions back home.

By Dan Gordon

Case Study


Sharing Power

How Merck and the WHO have sustained a fragile balance of power in their battle against river blindness.

By Jonathan B. Levine



The Funder Next Door

When grantmakers move into the communities they serve.

By Michael Seltzer

Nonprofit Management

Moving Beyond Reproach

Accountability proposals should focus more on ways to help nonprofits deal with actual ethical crises.

By Peter Manzo

Measuring Social Impact

Throwing Good Money After Bad

A common error misleads foundations and policymakers.

By Judith M. Gueron


Human Rights

Undercutting TV’s Ageist Stereotypes

TV spoils outlook on aging, but keeping a diary may lessen the damage.

By Alana Conner Snibbe

Nonprofit Management

My, What a Personality!

How nonprofits can distinguish themselves from for-profits by using their unique brand attributes.

By Alana Conner Snibbe

Nonprofit Management

Beware the Lone Genius

Innovation depends on social networks, not solo brains.

By Jessica Ruvinsky

Human Rights

Brother Spared a Dime

Homeless protests in the '80s were born not just of grievances, but also of greenbacks.

By Alana Conner Snibbe


The Big Hurt

Sticks and stones can break my bones; rejection hurts everything else.

By Jessica Ruvinsky

Nonprofit Management

Helping Do-Gooders Do Their Best

Getting the most out of some employees requires smart hiring, not bonuses.

By Alana Conner Snibbe


Economic Development

Review: Bootstrap Dreams

The emergence of microenterprise development programs, internationally and in the United States.

Reviewed By Nancy C. Jurik



15 minutes with Kaisha Atakhanova

Kazakh biologist, activist, and environmental prize recipient.

By Kevin O'Flynn