Articles on social change from the latest edition of SSIR

Stanford Social Innovation Review

Summer 2015

Volume 13, Number 3

The summer 2015 issue of Stanford Social Innovation Review features two articles about the blurring of the lines separating the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. The cover story, “Time for the Plural Sector,” argues that the differences between the two sectors are important and should be made more distinct. The “The Wall Street Takeover of Nonprofit Boards” shows the danger of nonprofit boards becoming too similar to for-profit boards.

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Civil Society

Time for the Plural Sector

To create a healthy society the plural sector needs to take its rightful place alongside the private and public sectors.


Nonprofit Management

The Promise of Lean Experimentation

By adopting a model from business, nonprofit organizations can launch, test, and implement new programs and services more efficiently. Includes magazine extras.


Economic Development

The Time Bank Solution

For decades, time banking has been a relatively small-scale movement. But signs are emerging that it may be an idea whose time has come.


Board Governance

The Wall Street Takeover of Nonprofit Boards

Financiers represent a growing percentage of board members at some of America’s most prestigious nonprofits, resulting in poorer governance.


What's Next


Technology & Design

Crisis Tech

Listening closely to users has enabled developers to create digital tools that support responses to the recent Ebola outbreak.


Civil Society

Getting Creative About Corruption

A group in Lebanon deploys a wide range of methods—from mobile apps to street theater—to thwart bribe-taking by officials.



Text the Vote

In a classic leapfrogging initiative, Libya has enabled its citizens to complete voter registration via digital messaging technology.



Booked for Revival

A combination of fresh funding and e-book technology will enable publishers to give new life to out-of-print scholarly works.


Field Report

Economic Development

Source of Opportunity

Sama Group, a social enterprise that connects disadvantaged people with digital work, is expanding its reach to the United States.


Social Entrepreneurship

Thriving on Failure

In cities all around the world, entrepreneurs are gathering to discuss the flubs, flops, and fiascos that punctuate their careers.



More Than a Meal

Technical ingenuity and private funding enable Akshaya Patra to serve hot, healthy lunches to 1.4 million Indian children every day.


Case Study


The Park That Paid Off

The Presidio Trust represents an alternative model for funding and managing a public asset. Includes magazine extras.



Economic Development

Lifting Up Day Labor

A social enterprise called In Every Story brings better pay—and a spirit of empathy—to a highly marginalized workforce.


Socially Responsible Business

Alignment Is Not a Luxury

To pursue its environmental mission, Tiffany & Co. balances corporate leadership with traditional philanthropic grantmaking.


Technology & Design

Zone of Impact

A school-based collective impact project in West Dallas, Texas, is yielding lessons on how to compile and use big data.



Who’s Afraid of DAFs?

Critics of donor-advised funds miss the real story of why they have grown so fast, argues a longtime community foundation leader.



Nonprofit Management

They Light a Spark

The catalysts of innovation are almost as rare, and almost as essential, as those who get credit for new ideas.


Nonprofit Management

What Holds Women Back?

In the nonprofit sector, occupational segregation can adversely affect women’s chances of moving into managerial positions.


Civil Society

Going Off-Script

Spontaneous protest activity—a vital part of many social movements—can arise from a variety of conditions


Economic Development

The Price of Competition

Market structures have a complex but discernible effect on people’s willingness to buy socially responsible products.



Technology & Design

Danger Ahead

The spread of technology-based platforms brings greater connectivity—but also greater vulnerability.

Reviewed By Marina Gorbis


Not-So-Ordinary Altruism

A defense of Effective Altruism raises the question of just how effective that movement can be.

Reviewed By Barbara H. Fried

Economic Development

Stolen Future

The conditions faced by young people in the United States highlight the impact of growing inequality.

Reviewed By Bill Shore

Technology & Design

Always on Call

A new, data-driven mode of confronting humanitarian disaster requires an appropriate policy framework.

Reviewed By Lucy Bernholz

Civil Society

A New Vision for Elder Care

Can the emergence of a “Caring Majority” help meet the needs of an aging US population?

Reviewed By Meika Loe

Last Look


Transformative Dance

A Brazilian organization uses ballet to help disadvantaged youth improve their lives.



Nonprofit Management

Going Lean

Supplements to the article “The Promise of Lean Experimentation.”

By SSIR Editors


Presidio Rules

Supplement to the article “The Park That Paid Off.”

By SSIR Editors