Articles on social change from the latest edition of SSIR


Winter 2005

Volume 3, Number 4

The road to philanthropy is paved with good intentions to aid the poor and disadvantaged. In “A Failure of Philanthropy,” Rob Reich questions whether the laws governing tax-deductible donations truly serve the needy or actually reward the wealthy.  Even more worrisome is his next concern from the winter 2005 issue of Stanford Social Innovation Review: “Would Americans Make Charitable Donations Without Tax Incentives?

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Nonprofit Management

An Organizational Approach to Burnout

Sidebar to "Reversing Burnout:" a return to fairness revitalizes a workforce.

By Christina Maslach & Michael P. Leiter


Coaching Character

Sidebar to "Rethinking Self-Esteem:" tough love can be the best lesson.

By Alana Conner Snibbe


Would Americans Make Charitable Donations Without Tax Incentives?

Sidebar to "A Failure of Philanthropy:" donors may give the same once the tax law dust settles.

By Rob Reich


Burnout in a Crisis

Sidebar to "Reversing Burnout:" when working a crisis, put your own oxygen mask on first.

By Marguerite Rigoglioso


The Soup of Self-Help

Sidebar to "Rethinking Self-Esteem:" self-esteem should be coupled with self-control.

By Aaron Dalton


A Failure of Philanthropy

From the archives: American charity shortchanges the poor, and public policy is partly to blame.

By Rob Reich | 2


Reversing Burnout

How to rekindle your passion for your work.

By Christina Maslach & Michael P. Leiter | 1


Rethinking Self-Esteem

Why nonprofits should stop pushing self-esteem and start endorsing self-control.

By Roy Baumeister

Field Report


Trash to Treasure

Converting corporate waste into classroom tools.

By Roy Wood

Technology & Design

Child’s Play

A video game teaches children about famines and how to stop them.

By Sheryl Nance-Nash


All Fired Up

How an insurance company helps its workers support their local fire departments.

By Cliff Terry

Impact Investing

The Other 95 Percent

How a community foundation uses proxy voting to advance its mission.

By Alessandra Bianchi

Technology & Design

Logging in for the Environment

Environmental lawyers around the world join forces via E-LAW.

By Laila Weir

Case Study


Tackling Vision Care Disparities

How one nonprofit uses an NFL team’s celebrity to improve poor children’s eyesight - and life chances.

By Melinda Tuan & Fay Twersky | 1


Nonprofit Management

Research on a Shoestring Budget

Sidebar to "Research Rules:" some tips for picking your public's brain –– cheaply.

By R. Christine Hershey & Andrew Posey

Measuring Social Impact

Research Rules

Why nonprofits should do their homework before communicating with the public.

By R. Christine Hershey & Andrew Posey

Human Rights

The Gift of Community

A formerly homeless man tells what he most wanted for Christmas when he was on the streets.

By Wes Browning

Individual Giving

Donor, Heal Thyself

Donor fatigue is ultimately rooted in givers' own reluctance to invest in the future.

By Paul C. Light



Elusive Blue Ribbons

Why winning foundations' special awards is difficult, and how it can be made easier.

By Ellen Benjamin, DePaul University

Nonprofit Management

Happy-Face Blues

How supervisors exhaust their workers by constraining their emotions.

By Marguerite Rigoglioso


No Market for Marketing

Nonprofits do not use -- and often don't want -- for-profit marketing techniques.

By Maia Szalavitz

Board Governance

Silence=Bad Strategy

How failing to speak up leads nonprofit boards to persist with mislaid plans.

By Jennifer Holloway


One for Deregulation

Why states' nonprofit regulation rules may not be just unnecessary, but also unwise.

By Maia Szalavitz


Going, Going, Sold for Too Little!

Why nonprofit auctions are inefficient, and how they can raise more money.

By Aaron Dalton


Untapped Donors

Volunteers and young people are among several overlooked source of funds.

By Leslie Berger | 1

Nonprofit Management

So Uncivilized

Rudeness, sarcasm, and disrespect undermine employee productivity.

By Shirley Wang


Socially Responsible Business

15 Minutes with Margaret Henningsen

How an African-American banker is rebuilding her community.

By Anne Stuhldreher