
  • Fought for and implemented historic financial reforms to create a more stable and responsible financial system that holds Wall Street accountable, discourages irresponsible financial risk-taking, and ends taxpayer-funded bailouts
    Read about: Wall Street Reform
    Read about Wall Street Reform:
  • Established tools and resources to investigate and prosecute financial fraud and other abusive practices that led to the financial crisis.
    Read about the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act:
  • Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau tasked to protect consumers from deceptive and predatory financial practices by ensuring banks, mortgage and student loan lenders, and credit card companies play by the rules.
    Read about Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
  • Outlawed unfair and deceptive credit card practices, such as retroactive rate increases and charging fees without clearly disclosing them first.
    Read about: the CARD Act
    Read about the CARD Act:
  • Ended more than $60 billion in wasteful subsidies for big banks and used the savings to put the cost of college within reach for more families.
    Read about ending subsidies for student loan lenders:
$20 bil. in relief for homeowners

What's Next

  • Eliminate confusing financial forms by simplifying credit card agreements and consolidating two complex mortgage disclosure forms into one plain language document.
    Read about Know Before You Owe:
  • Implement supervision and regulation over previously unregulated financial services providers such as payday lenders, debt collectors, credit bureaus and money transmitting services.
    Read about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau :
  • Impose a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee on the largest financial institutions to compensate taxpayers for the extraordinary support they provided to stabilize the financial sector.
    Read about a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee:
  • Make sure Wall Street plays by the same rules as Main Street. Continue implementing Wall Street reform to prevent practices that helped lead to the financial crisis.
    Read about enforcing Wall Street reform:
  • Crack down on fraud. Investigate large-scale financial fraud, and make the penalties for fraud count—not something banks and financial firms see as the price of doing business.
    Read about the Financial Crimes Unit:
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has received nearly 27,000 individual comments

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