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2015 Medicine Grand Rounds

June 3

Clinical Case Presentation

Robert Ohgami, MD
Clinical Instructor, Pathology
Stanford University

Alexey Aleshin, MD
Internal Medicine Resident
Stanford University

Ash Alizadeh, MD
Assistant Professor, Oncology
Stanford University

May 27

Reproducible Research-Cautionary Tales and Current Developments

No SUNet required

Steven Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD
Professor of Medicine / Associate Dean of Clinical and Translational Research
Stanford University

May 20

Infections, Cancer and Global Inequity – An Opportunity for Action and Investigation

Ami Bhatt, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hematology), and Genetics Division
Stanford University

May 13

Studies of Mother-Infant HIV Transmission Seattle/Kenya Collaboration

Julie Overbaugh, PhD
Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - Human Biology Division
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology, University of Washington

May 6

Recognizing Outbreaks–Public Health in an Interconnected World

No SUNet required

Timothy Brewer, MD, MPH
Vice Provost, Interdisciplinary and Cross-Campus Affairs
University of California, Los Angeles

April 29

2015 Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Visiting Professor:
Musings About My Life in Art and Art in My Life

Bennett Lorber, MD, MACP
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Temple University

April 22

We Count Our Successes in Lives –The Best Medical Result at the Lowest Necessary Cost

No SUNet required

Brent James, MD
Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Leadership
Intermountain Healthcare

April 15

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis-Advances and Opportunities

David A. Schwartz, MD
Chair, Department of Medicine
University of Colorado, Denver

April 8

Karl G. Blume Memorial Lecture:
Development of a CMV Vaccine as an Antiviral and Anti Leukemia Therapy

No SUNet required

Stephen J. Forman, M.D.
Chair, Department of Hematology/HCT
Director, T Cell Therapeutics Research Laboratory
City of Hope

April 1

First Hal Holman Symposium:
Where Have All the Flowers Gone, Long Time Passing?

Matthew Liang, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Harvard School of Public Health

March 25

Rarest of the Rare: Sub-Phenotypes in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Roham Zamanian, MD, FCCP
Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Stanford University

Brian Shaller, MD
Resident, Internal Medicine
Stanford University

March 18

How Are Treatment Decisions Made? Insights from Encounters with Breast Cancer

No SUNet required

Steven Katz, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Medicine, Health Management & Policy University of Michigan

March 9

State of the Department

Robert Harrington, MD
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Stanford School of Medicine

March 4

Hewlett Award Lecture: The Best Way to Predict the Future…is to Invent it

No SUNet required

Thomas Krummel, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery
Stanford University

February 25

Placebo Effects in Clinical Care

Ted J. Kaptchuk, MD
Director, Program in Placebo Studies and Therapeutic Encounter
Harvard University

February 18

Ebola in Context

Eugene Richardson, MD, MA
Infectious Diseases Fellow
Stanford University

February 11

Challenges in Clinical Trials; Some Old and Some New

David L DeMets, PhD
Chair, Department of Bioastistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin

February 4

The Connected Medical Home — Tools for 21st Century Primary Care

No SUNet required

Joseph C. Kvedar, MD
Founder and Director Center for Connected Health, Partners Healthcare

January 21

Genes and diseases associated with protein and miRNA secretion (2014 Edward Rubenstein Lectureship)

Randy Schekman, PhD
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
University of California, Berkeley

January 14
January 7

Mentorship in an Academic Medical Enterprise

No SUNet required

James Kahn, MD
Professor and Vice Chair for PAVA Affairs, Stanford University