Learning & Organizational Effectiveness

Performance Management@Stanford


It's all about continuous opportunities for development

Screenshot - Performance Management @ StanfordAn exciting new program was introduced in the fall of 2011, and is being expanded across campus through the fall of 2019. This program will usher in a new approach to employee development and managing performance at Stanford. Called Performance Management@Stanford, the program is a structured, continuous, year-long process where feedback and coaching take center stage. A completely new e-tool and process will be implemented within each new Unity as we scale the program, and extensive development options for staff and managers alike will be offered.

Below is a summary of the shift from the current performance management process that most of us experience now to the process you will adopt within your Unit when PM@S comes to you:

Current Process

New Process

Annual performance review Regular meetings throughout the year
Creating goals aligned with job descriptions Creating goals aligned with organizational mission, principles, and goals
Staff development options focused solely on education, training Staff development options focused on activities that provide three forms of development: structured education or training, experiences that provide on-the-job project learning, and exposure to new people, new situations, new aspects of the organization
Process focuses on manager evaluation of staff member Process focuses on dialogue between the manager and the staff member, and includes perspectives of others who give feedback, such as clients

If you want to know when your Unit is coming into PM@S, check with your Unit's Human Resources staff.

Want to learn more?

Visit the Performance Management@Stanford website: http://advancingexcellence.stanford.edu