Food Summit 5 - 2014 Highlights:

The 5th Annual Food Summit was another huge success!  The day program packed McCaw Hall with many people standing in the back. Our speakers were incredible! You can find the recipes from the cooking demos on the Day Program page.  Videos of the morning session will be posted shortly.

The Poster Sessions and Community Tables allowed a number of groups and individuals to talk about their work. We have added information about all of the study posters to the Student Posterpage and the links to our partners can be found on the Community Partners page.

The lunch was amazing!  We also added links to some of the farms from which the food was sourced. This can be found on the Lunch Menu page.

The afternoon session allowed for more in-depth conversations on a variety of food topics, and theafternoon panelists sparked a lot of great discussion! 

For those of you that missed the Film Screening, Occupy the Farm is a great documentary and I hope you can all find some time to see it in Berkeley during the formal release.

None of this would be possible if it weren't for the generous donations from our sponsors.  Thank you!

Thank you all for making this such a huge success!

The Food Summit Team