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In the News

Maryland Tweaks Star-Rating System For Schools

quoting Chester E. Finn Jr.via WBAL
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Maryland state Board of Education is at odds over how it wants to grade schools using a five-star rating system.

Analysis and Commentary

Betsy DeVos Promotes Parents As First Line Of Defense On School Accountability

by Chester E. Finn Jr.via EducationNext
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Accountability for schools of choice is a topic forever in the news—and in dispute. The latest combatant is none other than Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who made clear in a recent interview with the Associated Press that she favors letting the market work its will and trusting parents to judge whether a school is worth attending. In this context, she was referring specifically to private schools insofar as they participate in publicly financed voucher or tax-credit-scholarship programs. 

In the News

Boot Camp: The Hoover Institution Is Taking The Stanford Kids To School

featuring Hoover Institutionvia Townhall
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

No, it’s nothing like Full Metal Jacket. There’s no Gomer Pyle. Private Joker doesn’t exist—and R. Lee. Ermey isn’t getting in your grill. Still, the Hoover Institution is hosting a public policy boot camp for Stanford’s undergraduates from August 20-26, where some of the best in this field are giving lectures from the respective fields of national security, economics, and law. Senior fellows at the Institution, Scott Atlas and Joshua Rauh, organized the event. 

In the News

What To Do About The Mental Health Epidemic Among Students? A Different Approach.

quoting William Damonvia Huffington Post
Monday, August 21, 2017

The mental health epidemic among students continues to be a growing concern, and the situation won’t change until colleges and universities recognize they are, to a large extent, part of this problem. This situation won’t change until we shake up the educational status quo and the “business as usual”, which is manufacturing another generation with diplomas, with some academic knowledge, but with no idea how to use it or how to go about life. 


Amid Partisan Strife, Young People Need To Be Taught Policy

interview with Scott W. Atlas, Joshua D. Rauhvia Washington Examiner
Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Hoover Institution is gathering students and recent graduates at Stanford University this month for a week-long program featuring high-profile speakers and experts with the goal of "[teaching] students how to think critically about public policy formulation. In this interview two Hoover Institution fellows, Scott Atlas and Joshua Rauh, discuss the importance of investing in policy education for young people, especially in the era of heightened partisanship, rising populism, and social media. 

Analysis and Commentary

Betsy DeVos Will Approve Whatever Policymakers Put Forward; Make Sure It's Good For Kids

by Brandon L. Wright , Michael J. Petrillivia Alabama Media Group
Friday, August 18, 2017

After months of mixed signals, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos appears poised to do what the Every Student Succeeds Act expects of her and approve state-developed school accountability plans. "My criteria for approval is clear," she said recently. "Does the state's plan adhere to the law?" If so, she is "happy to approve it."

Analysis and Commentary

Eureka Issue 1703 California’s School Daze

via Eureka
Friday, August 18, 2017

A new issue of Eureka is now available online.


Michael Petrilli: Charter Support Plummets, Leaving Policy Wonks Flummoxed

interview with Michael J. Petrillivia Education Gadfly (Thomas B. Fordham Institute)
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Michael Petrilli discusses Education Next’s new poll and what might be driving the surprising results regarding charter schools and vouchers.

Analysis and Commentary

Support For Common Standards Has Rebounded

by Michael J. Petrillivia EducationNext
Thursday, August 17, 2017

The big news out of this year’s Education Next poll is the sharp decline in support for charter schools, even among Republicans, which is going to leave us wonks scratching our heads for months. But don’t miss the findings on what we used to call “standards-based reform.”

Featured CommentaryAnalysis and Commentary

Blame California’s Elected Leaders, Not Its Teachers, For What Ails The State’s Public Schools

by Marshall Tuckvia Eureka
Thursday, August 17, 2017

A few days from now, 6.2 million children will return to public schools in California. Three million of them can’t read or write at grade level (the number is especially tragic among male African American kids). In reading, California fourth-graders rank among the lowest: forty-eighth in the nation. This isn’t a recent development: twenty-five years ago, we ranked forty-ninth.


K-12 Education Task Force

The K–12 Education Task Force focuses on education policy as it relates to government provision and oversight versus private solutions (both within and outside the public school system) that stress choice, accountability, and transparency.

CREDO at Stanford University