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In the News

It Is Time To Review Race-Based Affirmative Action Programs

quoting Thomas Sowellvia Communities Digital News
Monday, August 7, 2017

Race based affirmative action has failed to create a color blind society; Actually, it has done the opposite creating more divisiveness and anger.


Exploring Contemporary Chinese History: Hoover Holds Annual Summer Workshop On Modern China

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The fifth annual Hoover Institution Workshop on Modern China, entitled “Crossing the 1949 Divide: The Hoover Archives and Contemporary Chinese History,” was held during July 31 and August 4, 2017. Co-organized and cosponsored with the Seminar of East Asian Studies, Free University of Berlin, this year the workshop featured seven speakers from the United States, Germany, Austria, and Taiwan who explored Hoover’s unique modern China collections and evaluated how these historical treasures help reshape our understanding of contemporary China and post-1949 Taiwan. Workshop attendees presented their research to over three hundred audience from the Hoover/Stanford community as well as to researchers and mass media in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Michael Petrilli: A Maverick's Take On Data

interview with Michael J. Petrillivia Education Gadfly (Thomas B. Fordham Institute)
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Michael Petrilli discusses how parents and teachers can get access to powerful student data. 

In the News

Hoover Acquires The Papers Of Tom Killion

Monday, August 7, 2017

Hoover Archives has acquired the papers of Tom Killion, a leading scholar on the history of Eritrea.


Campus Declarations Of War On Free Speech

by Peter Berkowitzvia Real Clear Politics
Friday, August 4, 2017

The threat to free speech in the United States is by no means restricted to colleges and universities, but they have become breeding grounds, training camps, and launching pads in the campaign to curtail liberty of thought and discussion. It is on our campuses where the battle for free speech will be won or lost.

In the News

More Money Doesn’t Guarantee Better Education, Expert Testifies

quoting Eric Hanushekvia The Santa Fe New Mexican
Thursday, August 3, 2017

A national authority on school funding testified Thursday he’s seen no proof that putting more money into public education will lead to better outcomes.

In the News

3 Reasons Why Post-Secondary Online Learning Is Absolutely Crushing It

quoting Caroline M. Hoxbyvia ElearningInside News
Thursday, August 3, 2017

A few weeks ago I ran across a Twitter post that read, “1998: Don’t get in strangers’ cars. Don’t meet people from Internet. 2017: Literally summon strangers from the Internet and get into their car.” So true, isn’t it? It’s astounding how technology can cause major shifts in behavior. What we will and won’t do, and certainly how we transact, interact, and learn.

In the News

When Californians Led The Way On Campus Civil Rights

quoting Thomas Sowellvia Daily Caller
Thursday, August 3, 2017

The New York Times reports that the Trump administration is directing the Justice Department to sue universities over affirmative action policies directed against whites and Asians. Opponents call it a “dog whistle” intended to create fear that government will punish efforts to maintain “diversity” on campus. Those alarmed might consider how Californians handled this issue.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Glebov-Putilovskii (1883–1948)  Foto-ocherk po istorii Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi revoliutsii (1917–1920 g.g.) [A Photographic Essay on the History of the Great October Revolution, 1917–1920]  Peterburg: Gos. Tip. 1920  Hoover Institution Li


Wednesday, October 18, 2017 to Sunday, March 4, 2018
Herbert Hoover Memorial Exhibit Pavilion and Cantor Arts Center

Marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the exhibition The Crown under the Hammer: Russia, Romanovs, Revolution examines the political, social, and cultural upheavals that transformed Russia in the final decades of the Romanov dynasty and the first years of Soviet Communism. Jointly organized by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives and the Cantor Arts Center, this dual-site exhibition features a wide variety of art objects and documentary materials, including oil paintings by Russian masters of the 18th and 19th centuries, books from Russian Imperial libraries, early Soviet graphics, posters, photographs, film, and rare archival documents.

In the News

Get Government Out Of The College Discrimination Business

quoting Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowellvia The Federalist
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

t’s perfectly reasonable for the Trump Administration to undo institutional discrimination against white and Asian kids.


K-12 Education Task Force

The K–12 Education Task Force focuses on education policy as it relates to government provision and oversight versus private solutions (both within and outside the public school system) that stress choice, accountability, and transparency.

CREDO at Stanford University