Asian Liver Center

Hep B Moms

Hep B Moms is dedicated to the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B infection and to protect every child from liver cancer caused by hepatitis B. We are a unique resource that offers tools and educational materials for pregnant women, health care providers, perinatal hepatitis B prevention coordinators, public health officials and anyone seeking to learn more about hepatitis B. Many pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B are unaware of their infection and could end up silently passing the virus to the next generation at birth. Unfortunately, almost a million people die of liver cancer and liver disease caused by hepatitis B every year even though it is preventable through vaccinations and protective shots given at birth. Hep B moms helps to empower women so they can say: “Hep B stops with me.”

To learn more about Hep B Moms:

Stanford Medicine Resources:

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