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12.3.8 Controlled Substances and Alcohol

12.1.2 Anti-Bribery

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Members of the Stanford community are required to act with honesty and integrity and comply with applicable laws at all times when transacting University business. This guide memo clarifies that all forms of bribery and corruption are absolutely prohibited, provides guidance regarding what constitutes bribery and corruption, and requires reporting of actual or suspected incidents of bribery and corruption.

1.7.2 Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships In the Workplace and Educational Setting

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This policy highlights the risks in sexual or romantic relationships in the Stanford workplace or academic setting between individuals in inherently unequal positions; prohibits certain relationships between teachers and students; and requires recusal (from supervision and evaluation) and notification in other relationships.

6.6.1 Information Security Incident Response

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This Guide Memo describes the procedures to be followed when a computer security incident is discovered to have occurred involving an Academic or Administrative Computing System operated by Stanford University, its faculty, students, employees, consultants, vendors or others operating such systems on behalf of Stanford. It also describes the procedures to be followed when Prohibited or Restricted Information residing on any computing or information storage device is, or may have been, inappropriately accessed, whether or not such device is owned by Stanford. This policy outlines the procedures for decision making regarding emergency actions taken for the protection of Stanford's information resources from accidental or intentional unauthorized access, disclosure or damage.

6.3.1 Information Security

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The purpose of this policy is to ensure the protection of Stanford's information resources from accidental or intentional unauthorized access or damage while also preserving and nurturing the open, information-sharing requirements of its academic culture. This Guide Memo states requirements for the protection of Stanford's information assets.

1.6.2 Privacy and Security of Health Information (HIPAA)

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This Guide Memo describes Stanford University's implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") and its regulations ("Privacy Rule" and "Security Rule") governing the protection of identifiable health information by health care providers and health plans. The portions of Stanford University that are impacted by HIPAA include the Stanford University HIPAA Components and the Group Health Plan, defined in Sections 3 and 4, respectively.

This Guide Memo references Stanford University HIPAA Components policies on the University HIPAA website and the Group Health Plan HIPAA policies. The Group Health Plan maintains HIPAA policies and procedures in the Resource Library section of the Benefits website. These policies outline more specific rights of individuals regarding their protected health information ("PHI") as well as the operational and system requirements to comply with the Privacy and Security Rules.

2.2.6 Smoke-Free Environment

2.2.8 Controlled Substances and Alcohol

1.6.1 Privacy Policy

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Stanford University has an interest in ensuring that the privacy of its students, faculty, and staff is respected. The University is committed to protecting the privacy of Prohibited, Restricted and Confidential Information within its control in a manner consistent with applicable laws, regulations and University policies.

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