Giving and Jean MacCluer

Sat, 01/03/2015


60th Anniversary Gifts


The extraordinary generosity of the CASBS community is evident in your gifts commemorating the Center’s 60th Anniversary, including:

     Reading Room. Gift of William H. Neukom in memory of Ruth H. and John G. Neukom

     Trellised Patio. Gift of Richard I. Shader, M.D. in memory of Aline B. Shader

     Endowed Study. Gift of Margaret Levi and Robert D. Kaplan

     Program Support for the Center. Gift of Marcia H. and William J. Pade, Jr.

We continue to welcome your gifts in honor of the 60th anniversary.

Your support makes cutting edge social science possible.


Live Oak Society


We welcome a new member of the Live Oak Society, geneticist Jean MacCluer.

“I arrived at the Center for my fellowship year from a large state university, where I taught large classes and did research in my spare time.  Interacting with the bright, stimulating group of fellows at the Center, and devoting my time there to research, was an opportunity that I relished.  I knew that I needed to change the direction of my career, and after I left the Center I began looking for new opportunities.  I accepted a position with a private research organization, where I remained on the faculty until my retirement in 2008.  My year at the Center changed my life.  I have gratefully included the Center in my will and am pleased to be a member of the Live Oak Society.”

Jean W. MacCluer, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist Emeritus

Department of Genetics

Texas Biomedical Research Institute