Welcome Alumni!

Past CASBS Fellows include a diverse group of academics and thought leaders and, as alumni, you play a vital role in reinforcing the Center's reputation. Your involvement -- financial support, event participation, or networking -- helps uphold the collaborative spirit that defines the Center's community.

Lovely image of CASBS Fellows at lunch

Keep in touch with CASBS and fellow alumni through the Center's online community. You can stay informed on CASBS activities by following us on Twitter @CASBSStanford and subscribing to our newsletter.  To subscribe send your email address to  friends@casbs.org. We also invite you to join our alumni group on LinkedIn.

Wherever you are, we want to hear from you. Have you published something recently that we could add to the CASBS Library's Tyler Collection? Can we help you promote your recent work? Send a quick email to casbs-info@stanford.edu.

Stay tuned. You should be receiving an email update with more news from up on the hill soon.