Hospital School

For children of all ages, being a student offers a broad range of benefits, including education, socialization, discovery, play and community. We’re dedicated to helping those benefits continue for children even when they’re hospitalized.

The Palo Alto Unified School District—one of the top in the United States—provides a free public education program for children being treated at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. Full-time accredited teachers are on-site to support the education of patients in traditional classroom settings and also at their bedside. In addition, we host an annual prom event for our hospitalized high school patients so they can enjoy this milestone of adolescence.


A parent or guardian signature is required to enroll. There are three classrooms: primary (K-4), intermediate (5-8), and secondary (9-12). All teachers hold California credentials.

School hours are Monday through Friday, 9:30 to 11:30am and Monday through Thursday, 1 to 3pm. There is no afternoon session on Fridays.

Apple and HP computers are available for student use in the classrooms and at their bedside. Activities include word processing, educational programs, and some recreational programs.

For further information, call the School Office at (650) 497-8230.