-- Overall, what was your experience like in the MA program?

The MA program was a rewarding experience that allowed me to focus my interests in such a way that upon leaving Stanford I felt much more prepared for continuing my academic pursuits. In addition, during my time at CAS I gained a great many mentors, both faculty and fellow students, that will certainly encourage and assist me in the future.

- What was most challenging about the MA program? Most rewarding?

The CAS MA experience allows students great freedom in crafting a program of coursework that fulfill each of their particular interests. Such flexibility allows students to work with a wide range of faculty and students across the Stanford campus.

The most challenging part of the MA program is the short time period (3 quarters) in which you must take full advantage of the great number of resources that is Stanford University.

-- Do you have any advice for those considering the MA program?

Make full and absolute use of your time. Do your best to be strategic about coursework selections early on; that may very well determine your options for exploring different courses and research opportunities in the second and third quarters. And part of using your time well is getting to know students and faculty associated with CAS, and spending fine, quality time in the office of Dr. Laura Hubbard.