The Center for African Studies, with support from the School of Humanities and Sciences, offers two partial fellowships to incoming M.A. students.  All applicants for the M.A. Program in African Studies are encouraged to apply.

Application inSTRUCTIONS

Write a two page essay on the following scenario: a foundation has offered you $50,000 to develop a project of your choice that would be undertaken in Africa. Describe what the project entails, why it is necessary, its significance, and how the project will be evaluated. Be sure to consider the question of sustainability over time.  Tell us where in Africa this project will take place.


TBA after MA application deadline


You may include this essay with your application materials or mail separately, by hard copy to the address below:

Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Center for African Studies
216 Encina Hall West
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6045

You may also submit your application by email, by sending it to the following email address with "CAS MA Fellowship Application" in the subject line:

africanstudies [at] stanford [dot] edu