Portion of the Stanford School of Medicine Discovery Walk

Dean's Message

Dean William S. Talbot

Biomedical research is in the midst of an unprecedented age of discovery. New technologies and interdisciplinary approaches are providing profound new insight into long-standing questions in biology and medicine. The Stanford Biosciences Graduate Programs are at the center of these advances. With a culture that encourages creativity, initiative, collaboration, and exciting interdisciplinary approaches, we strive to train future leaders in the biomedical sciences.

Stanford provides one of the best environments for biomedical research in the world. Our 14 Home Programs offer graduate students an ideal balance: the focused training and shared interests of a smaller program, combined with the diversity and opportunities found in a larger program. The biosciences departments are near our hospitals and collaborating departments in engineering, chemistry, and computer science. This close proximity with leaders in many fields promotes new collaborations, provides exciting research opportunities for our trainees, and catalyzes profound breakthroughs.

Training and mentoring are at the heart of the Stanford scientific culture. Graduate students drive many of the innovative discoveries at Stanford, and their diverse backgrounds and perspectives strengthen our community. We train students to focus on important problems, address them creatively, and make discoveries that open new fields. From my own experience as a Stanford Biochemistry graduate student and as a Professor in Developmental Biology, I know that our students and faculty view each other as colleagues and partners in discovery. This environment empowers students to pursue their scientific interests and become leaders in their future careers. We are constantly inspired by the accomplishments of our graduate students, at Stanford and beyond, and it is a privilege to have a role in their training.



William S. Talbot, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs
Professor of Developmental Biology

With a culture that encourages creativity, initiative, collaboration, and exciting interdisciplinary approaches, we strive to train future leaders in the biomedical sciences.

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