Working at a lab bench

Student Perspective: Suraj Pradhan

Suraj Pradhan

Lab: Dr. Katrin Andreasson

Why did you choose to come to graduate school at Stanford? What attracted you to the Biosciences PhD Programs?

In addition to an extremely innovative and collaborative research environment, what attracted me to Stanford was the genuine feel of community that can be hard to find elsewhere.

Describe your research.

I investigate the role of neuroinflammation in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Why did you choose to join your lab?

I joined my lab because I felt it was an environment that would allow me to grow intellectually as a scientist and where I would be happy to spend the next few years of my life.

How has being at Stanford helped you along in your career plans?

I would like to determine business strategies for biotech companies. Stanford has provided innumerable resources for me to learn about industry and the world outside academia. Through counseling from the School of Medicine Career Center, workshops organized by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, and various seminars and speaker events I have been able to build a diverse network of people who have given me advice and provided mentorship in the career planning process.

Do you have any advice to share with prospective students?

Learning occurs as much outside of the lab as inside. Do not miss your opportunity to meet people outside of your field, engage in various leadership roles, and experience what Stanford is all about!

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