Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning

Welcome to the Goodman Immersive Learning Center

Established in 2010, the Goodman Immersive Learning Center (ILC) is a state of the art learning facility, located in the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge (LKSC) at Stanford School of Medicine. The ILC provides personnel, space, and resources for a wide range of immersive and simulation-based learning activities for learners of all levels, from medical students to experienced practitioners.

Why immersive learning?

Immersive and simulation-based activities provide the most intensive form of active learning in medicine. The practice and science of medicine cannot be learned solely via passive means. Caring for real human beings is an active process; preparing students, interns and residents, and experienced physicians and teams for the rigors of medical practice requires facilities and programs of active and experiential learning. In such programs, participants not only gain the necessary clinical knowledge, but they are also able to put technical, management, and interpersonal skills into practice in a safe, controlled environment.

Some of the benefits offered by educational programs at the ILC:


ILC Facilities and Resources

The ILC contains a wealth of resources for the development and implementation of both low- and high-fidelity clinical simulations, as well as standardized patient encounters, part-task training, virtual worlds, and other forms of ISL.

Within the ILC, the standardized patient program utilizes 10 patient examination rooms, designed and equipped to serve as a realistic setting for patient encounters. High-fidelity, mannequin-based simulations are housed in the Ha Lin Yip and CJ Huang Simulation Suite within the ILC, which contains a simulated operating room, three-bay emergency room or ICU ward, and two acute care inpatient hospital rooms. In addition, the ILC contains wet lab classroom space, multiple workrooms for use with task trainers and other equipment, and a computer lab for virtual world programs and desktop simulation.

Simulated operating room Simulated patient exam room Simulated acute care room

The ILC has an extensive selection of mannequins, trainers, and models available for use in educational programs. These include several multifunctional, high-fidelity manikins (such as Laerdal's SimMan 3G), as well as task trainers for a wide variety of systems and procedures, including central line insertion, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, and others. A complete list of ILC resources can be found on the Teaching at the ILC page (SUNet ID required).


Educational Programs at the ILC

ISL programs at the ILC are led by various departmental faculty within Stanford University Medical Center. Medical students at Stanford School of Medicine participate in ISL courses at the ILC throughout each year of their curriculum. In the preclinical years, students learn history-taking and physical examination skills during standardized patient encounters. Once in clerkships, students further hone their diagnostic and therapeutic management skills in high-fidelity simulations and standardized patient programs, as well as begin learning procedural skills using part-task trainers.

Resident physicians and other housestaff in various clinical departments also participate in training and assessment programs in the ILC, such as the ImPRINT and Evolve programs for Anesthesia trainees. Housestaff also participate in multidisciplinary, interprofessional training programs, such as Code Blue Sim, which promote teamwork and communication in crisis situations.

The ILC is also home to many regional and national continuing medical education (CME) programs for experienced practitioners in multiple specialties. With more specialties now requiring or encouraging simulation as part of maintenance of certification, we anticipate that the ILC will see increased usage from CME learners in the coming years.

Click here for a summary of some of the educational programs currently offered in the ILC.


For More Information

Please review the ILC FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions regarding the ILC facility and resources.

To find out more about the ILC spaces and what activities the ILC supports, contact Alexandra Buchanan, Simulation and Education Director, at or Michelle Otis, Education Program Manager, at

To reserve the the ILC spaces or sign up for a tour of the ILC, please visit the IRT Classroom Reservation page.

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