China Ph.D. Research Exchange Program

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Program Overview

The Stanford School of Engineering China Research Exchange Program is aimed at fostering collaboration among researchers at Stanford and top-tier universities in China and enhancing graduate engineering education by providing Stanford Ph.D. students the opportunity to live, study, and work in China while pursuing their degree.

The program invites Stanford faculty to apply for funding that enables a symmetrical exchange of Ph.D. students between Stanford and Peking University (PKU) or Tsinghua University for 1-2 quarters. We have found that the exchange is most successful when students are actively engaged in a joint project shared by the advisors at both universities or when the faculty have projects on which such an exchange of expertise would be beneficial to all involved.

We anticipate being able to support 4-5 exchange arrangements (5 Stanford students and 5 students from PKU or Tsinghua) for 2015-16.


All Academic Council Faculty in the School of Engineering are invited to apply. The program is aimed at Ph.D. students as exchange partners, but other students who are actively involved in conducting research may be considered as exchange partners.


Last modified Tue, 17 Mar, 2015 at 11:22