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Political Economy


Photo illustration showing low-income housing options in a neighborhood by Tricia Seibold. Photo by iStock/David Sucsy
September 15, 2015

Is Affordable Housing Good for the Neighborhood?

Research shows these buildings impact home prices and diversity.


Mitt Romney | Stacy H. Geiken
May 4, 2015

Mitt Romney: Know Your Values, Encourage Dissent, and Take a Break

The former presidential candidate discussed his leadership style with the Stanford GSB community.


Tennessee-Virginia state line on Main Street in Bristol
May 19, 2015

Steven Callander: How to Make States “Laboratories of Democracy”

A Stanford professor argues that state innovation needs a federal nudge.


An illustration of the Union Jack flag overlayed with British revolutionaries taking the scepter from King Charles I
April 29, 2015

Saumitra Jha: How Financial Innovation Helped Start the English Civil War (and Why That’s Important Today)

A Stanford scholar explains why financial mechanisms could be useful to align diverse interests.


Finding the right investment can be tricky |  iStock/JJ Pan
August 25, 2015

Paul Brest: Making Money While Doing Good

Social impact investing is changing the way philanthropy is done.


Man standing in doorway of rundown building | Reuters/Andrew Winning
June 18, 2015

Ken Shotts: How to Understand (and Avoid) Political Risk

Political risk is inevitable, but there are ways to mitigate it.
Insights on economic theory, industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, econometrics, environmental economics, and global trade.

Latest Stories in Political Economy

November 2, 2015

The Serious Side of the Donald Trump Phenomenon

Immigrant resentment has built among Americans who feel left behind.
October 28, 2015

How Citizenship for Immigrants Leads to Better Integration

Naturalized immigrants are more politically engaged and have a greater knowledge about their new country.
September 15, 2015

Is Affordable Housing Good for the Neighborhood?

Research shows these buildings impact home prices and diversity.
August 25, 2015

Paul Brest: Making Money While Doing Good

Social impact investing is changing the way philanthropy is done.
August 13, 2015

Exploring the Ethics Behind Self-Driving Cars

How do you code ethics into autonomous automobiles? And who is responsible when things go awry?
July 9, 2015

Margaret Neale: Analyzing Greece’s High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics

Prime minister Alexis Tsipras used a common strategy, but scholars are skeptical about whether it will pay off.
June 23, 2015

Jonathan Bendor: Why Criticism is Good for Innovation

How to quash bad ideas without stifling innovation.
June 18, 2015

Ken Shotts: How to Understand (and Avoid) Political Risk

Political risk is inevitable, but there are ways to mitigate it.
June 10, 2015

Sangick Jeon: How Do You Manage Diversity?

In Kenya, a Stanford researcher shows that ethnic diversity can spur productivity.
June 9, 2015

George Foster: Are Startups Really Job Engines?

Entrepreneurship can be personally rewarding and good for the economy, if we wipe the stardust from our eyes.