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Gifts & Support

Handa Center students and staff in Cambodia

Handa Center students and staff in Cambodia

The Handa Center is grateful to our generous contributing partners, whose financial support makes our work on and off campus possible. Financial support enables the Center to engage globally, and incorporate students in all aspects of our work. This is how we fulfill our mission to build a new generation of leaders in this field, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect and promote human rights, justice, and dignity for all. 

Your Gift Matters

Make A Gift

For more information about how you can support the Handa Center’s initiatives at Stanford, please contact Scott Sugiura, Associate Director of Development at: or (650) 723-1208. 

Funding Priorities

Our programs are steadily growing. Student interest is rapidly increasing. Donations to the Handa Center enable us to collaborate with partners across Stanford University and beyond on innovative programs that foster critical inquiry in the classroom and in the world.  The Center leverages partnership resources wherever possible in order to maximize the impact of gifts, and strives to complement, not duplicate, the efforts of others working on similar programming or initiatives.

To build on our success at Stanford in the past two years, current Handa Center's current funding priorities include:
  • Core funding to support staffing necessary to better serve students and the community

  • Dedicated teaching funds to support innovative new course development 

  • Student fellowship funding to meet growing demand for summer placements and professional pathway exploration opportunities 

  • Dedicated events funding to support lecture series' and colloquia that bring eminent scholars and practitioners to Stanford 

  • Targeted gifts to support discrete collaborative program initiatives, including our Human Rights in Trauma Mental Health Lab (with the Law School and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences) and the Virtual Tribunal Initative (with the Stanford University Libraries)