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Affiliated Faculty

Jeremy Bailenson Communication, Symbolic Systems (by courtesy)
Lucy Bernholz Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
Lisa Blaydes Political Science
Nick Bloom Associate Professor of Economics
Adam Bonica Political Science, CSS Faculty Steering Committee
Timothy Bresnahan Economics
Melissa Brown Anthropology
Laura L. Carstensen Psychology
Arun Chandrasekhar Department of Economics
Geoffrey Cohen Education
Shelley Joyce Correll Sociology
Gary Cox Political Science
Mark Cullen School of Medicine
Lisa Curran Anthropology
Lauren Davenport Political Science
Giacomo DeGiorgi Economics
Alberto Diaz-Cayeros Political Science
William Durham Anthropology
Jennifer Eberhardt Psychology
James Fearon Political Science
Marcus Feldman Biology
James Ferguson Anthropology
Corey Fields Sociology
Angela Garcia Anthropology
Lawrence Goulder Economics
Justin Grimmer Political Science
Matthew Harding Economics
Jamie Holland Jones Associate Professor of Earth System Science, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute
Miyako Inoue Anthropology
Simon Jackman Professor of Political Science and (by courtesy) Statistics, Co-Director, Stanford Center for American Democracy
Tomás Jiménez Associate Professor of Sociology, Stanford University
Dan Jurafsky Linguistics
Karen Jusko Political Science, CSS Faculty Steering Committee
Brian Knutson Department of Psychology
Jennifer Langer-Osuna Graduate School of Education
Tanya Luhrmann Anthropology
Christopher Manning Linguistics
Kalina Manova Economics
Dale Miller Graduate School of Business
Grant Miller School of Medicine
Ian Morris History
Petra Moser Economics
Clayton Nall Political Science
Lorene Nelson Associate Professor of Health Research and Policy (Epidemiology), Stanford Medicine
Susan Olzak Sociology
Luigi Pistaferri Economics
Walter Powell Professor of Education & Sociology (by courtesy), Co-Director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
Francisco Ramirez Graduate School of Education
Sean Reardon Education, Sociology (by courtesy)
Cecilia Ridgeway Sociology
Douglas Rivers Political Science
Jonathan Rodden Political Science, CSS Faculty Steering Committee
Michael Rosenfeld Sociology
Aliya Saperstein Sociology
Walter Scheidel Classics, History
Florian Scheuer Economics
Krish Seetah Anthropology
John Shoven Economics
Paul Sniderman Political Science
Kabir Tambar Anthropology
Mike Tomz Political Science
Jeanne Tsai Department of Psychology
Shripad Tuljapurkar Professor of Biology
Fred Turner Communication
Barbara Voss Anthropology
Jonathan Wand Political Science
Barry Weingast Political Science
Cristobal Young Sociology
Xueguang Zhou Sociology