Dr. Edgar Engleman's laboratory consists of postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, research associates, staff as well as undergraduate researchers and high school student volunteers.

Welcome to Cellular Immunology Laboratory

Stanford Blood Center


Current Members of the Lab

Donna Jones - Administrative Asst.

            Email djones at stanford.edu

            Phone (650) 725-4462


Nathan Reticker-Flynn

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology

Nate combines systems approaches, genomic tools, and mouse models to interrogate and perturb interactions between the immune system and metastases.  He seeks to identify the underpinnings of tumor-specific tolerance induction during lymph node metastasis.

CAP profile

Email: naterf at stanford.edu

Pamela Basto

MD student with scholarly concentration in clinical research / immunology

CAP profile

Email: basto at stanford.edu

Jason Paik

Fellow in Hematology & Oncology

Translational and Clinical Research in Immuno-Oncology

Hobbies: movies, classical music, travel, food

CAP profile

Email: jcpaik at stanford.edu

Ye Henry Li

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology, affiliated with Stanford Cancer Systems Biology

CAP profile

Email: ywli at stanford.edu

Shelley Ackerman

Graduate Student Researcher in Bioengineering

CAP profile

Email: shelley1 at stanford.edu

Robert Yuan

Graduate Student Researcher in Immu[knowledge]y

I graduated from USCD with a bachelor's degree in Microbiology. Here in the Engleman lab, I'm working on a project investigating the role of enteric glia in mouse models of colon cancer.

CAP profile

Email: rtyuan at stanford.edu

Sreya Bagchi

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology

Field of research/study: Tumor immunology and autoimmunity

Interested in studying how chronic inflammation perturbs steady-state immune functions leading to autoimmune pathologies and tumors. 

Email: sbagchi at stanford.edu


Michelle Atallah

Graduate Student Researcher in Cancer Biology

CAP profile

Email: matallah at stanford.edu

Sarah Barnes

Graduate Student Researcher in Immunology

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago, where I studied the role of NF-kB signaling in T cells during anti-tumor responses. In the Engleman Lab, I am studying the neuro-immune mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. Outside of science, I enjoy rock climbing, volleyball, and yoga.

CAP profile

Email: sebarnes at stanford.edu

Ian Linde

Graduate Student Researcher in Immunology

CAP profile

Email: ilinde at stanford.edu

Maggie Martins

Graduate Student in Cancer Biology

CAP profile

Email: mmartins at stanford.edu

Samuel Banister

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology and Chemistry

Email: samuel.banister at stanford.edu

Nichole Escalante

Postdoctoral Researcher in Pathology

CAP profile

Email: nicholee at stanford.edu

Khoa Nguyen

Postdoctoral Researcher in Pathology

CAP profile

Email: kdnguyen at stanford.edu

Tyler Prestwood

MD/PhD Student Researcher in Stem Cell Biology

CAP profile

Email: tyler4 at stanford.edu 

Xiangyue Zhang

Researcher Asssociate

Email: xiangyue at stanford.edu

Justin Kenkel

Postdoctoral Researcher in Pathology

CAP profile

Email: jkenkel at stanford.edu

Lewis Yu


CAP profile

Email: see CAP profile