Flow Cytometry Lab

Flow cytometry research is almost always unique to each lab and investigator, so constant guidance in methodology setup is required, such as changes in laser configuration and wavelength needed.  We provide guidance and training to staff, students, post docs, and scientists in setting up research methodology, antibody choices/combination and better use of flow cytometry instrumentation.   

Flow cytometry laboratory provide testing to Blood Bank for daily quality control run of blood products. Immunophenotyping assay is also provided in patients for clinical research. This testing requires the lab to be CLIA certified so it is critical to have the documentation ready for CAP guidelines and inspection. 

Other services offered based on individual needs are discussed with the Flow cytometry manager.


Lorna Tolentino lornat at stanford.edu

Okmi Choi okchoi77 at stanford.edu

Nancy Wu nwu2 at stanford.edu

Services Offered

Flow Cytometry Testing

  • Flow Cytometry analysis
  • Multicolor Flow Cytometry analysis
  • Flow Cytometry sorting
  • Flow Cytometry sorting with cell prep
  • T cell subset analysis
  • Total lympocyte subsets (TBNK)
  • Cell isolation and cryopreservation (Primary cells and subsets)
  • We offer a variety of testing, not limited to what is stated above. You may contact the Flow Cytometry Manager for your specific needs. E-mail: lornat@stanford.edu


Flow Cytometry Analysers And Sorter


  • FACSCanto II- 3-lasers configuration
  • FACSARIA II- 3-lasers configuration
  • BD LSR II - 5-lasers configuration
  • Robosep

