Graduate Medical Education

Required Training

You are required to complete the following online training by June 12th, 2015:

Link Description Length
Healthstream Your username and password are the same: md-0(dictation #). Most modules are self-paced and include pre/post assessments, therefore time commitment will vary by individual. A list of the required modules including estimated length for each can be downloaded here: Healthstream Module List (PDF). If you have any questions, please contact ~7.5 hours
Epic Epic is the clinical information system used throughout Stanford Health Care and Stanford Children's Hospital. Epic training is required for all incoming (new) House Staff entering a specialty program. You will receive a notification via e-mail once your specific Epic training has been assigned (approx. June 1). Your Epic training will be assigned to your "My Learning" page in Healthstream. If you have any questions, please contact ~2-6 hours depending on specialty
MedHub (PPT) MedHub is a web-based Residency Management System designed to track and document a variety of critical program and resident activities relating to institutional reimbursement and program accreditation. Please open and review the PPT. ~15 min

In addition, please review the 2015 - 2016 House Staff Policies & Procedures (PDF) and the SHC False Claims Recovery Policy (PDF)

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