CSTP Application Information

Who We are Looking For

Individuals with exceptional qualifications who share a common mission and philosophy, who will focus their research efforts on questions that have the potential for great clinical benefit, and who are seeking to become an independent clinician-scientist are invited to apply. Stanford Otolaryngology especially encourages applications from African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and other candidates from under-represented minority groups.

Application Materials for CSTP Research Track

For the CSTP residency research track (7 year program), applicants do not need to submit any additional materials. Simply select this track on ERAS to apply. 

Post-residency research track (2 year program) will be offered to all applicants of our clinical fellowships focusing on (but not limited to) neurotology and pediatric otolaryngology. The standard National Match Process guidelines will be followed. If the trainee wants both research and clinical fellowship training, the order of the training will be agreed on mutually in discussions between the program director, fellowship director, and the trainee.

The application should include the following, and be submitted directly to Wei Du:

  1. CV
  2. PDFs of research papers applicant has published.
  3. One page statement of purpose discussing long-term goals as a clinician-scientist.
  4. One page statement regarding Stanford research laboratories they are interested in and why. 

Residency Interviews

Residency interviews take place Tuesday, January 23 and Wednesday, January 24, 2018.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you have a cut-off for USMLE scores?

A: We require that you have a passing USMLE score, but we do not have a minimum passing score cut-off. However, most of our applicants’ scores are above-average.

Q: Where can I get more information about the residency?

A: Our Residency Handbook describes the program and its policies in minute detail.


Q: I am a third/fourth year resident who is interested in clerkship or sub-internship research opportunities.

A: Please visit the OHNS Clerkship clinician-scientist track page.