Pediatrics Awards Day 2013

June 21, 2013 at the Grand Rounds

Chair of Pediatrics, Hugh O'Brodovich, MD
Photographer: Steve Gladfelter Photography

Appointments and Promotion Committee


Louanne Hudgins, MD


Drs. Steve Alexander, Michael Cleary, David Cornfield, Susan Hintz, Michael Jeng, Eric Sibley



Jessica Olson: Director H.R. and Academic Affairs

Shumi Khan: Faculty Affairs Specialist

2012-2013 Promotions

2013 Pediatrics Awardees

Resident Education Golden Apple Awardee:

(nominated/chosen by residents)

Bert Glader, MD

Professor, Division of Hematology & Oncology

*Dr. Kathleen Sakamoto accepted award on Bert Galder's behalf.

Presenters: Rebecca Blankenburg, MD (middle) & Karen Effinger (right)

Fellow Education Fuji Apple Awardee:

(nominated by fellows)

Sumit Bhargava, MD

Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine


Presenters: Lahia Yamane, MD (middle) & Rebecca Blankenburg (right)

Feedback Awardee:

(nominated/chosen by residents)

Charles Prober, MD

Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases


Presenters: Venna Goel, MD (far left), Ali Miller (2nd to the left) & Rebecca Blankenburg (2nd to the right)

Clinical Research Awardee:

K.T. Park, MD

Instructor, Division of Gastroenterology


Presenter: Gary Shaw, DrPH (left)

Basic Science Research Awardee:

Mark Kay, MD, PhD

Professor, Division of Human Gene Therapy


Presenter: Gary Shaw, DrPH, accepted award on Mark Kay's behalf.

Early Career Clinical Excellence Awardee:

Lauren Destino, MD

Clinical Instructor, Division of General Pediatrics


Presenter: Christy Sandborg, MD (right)

Clinical Excellence (mid and senior career) Awardee:

Dorsey Bass, MD

Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology


Presenter: Kenneth Cox, MD (right)

Mentor Awardee:

Rebecca Blankenburg, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of General Pediatrics


Presenter: Louanne Hudgins, MD (left)

Staff Awardee:

Jessica Olson

Director, HR & Faculty Affairs

Pediatrics Administration


Presenter: Mary Corcoran (right)

Staff Awardee:

Usha Chhiba

Division Manager, Neonatology

Pediatrics Administration


Presenter: Mary Corcoran (right)

Special Faculty | Resident Awards:

Presenter: Steven Alexander, MD

Mathers Classic Trophy to Residents!