NOV 19 - NOV 20
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

METRICS Conference

Improving Biomedical Research 2015: Challenges and Solutions


Join us for the inaugural conference of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS). This highly interactive, evidence-to-action event aims to generate and discuss new ideas about how to improve the way biomedical scientists plan, conduct and communicate research. Help us re-imagine science for the 21st century. Bring your ideas, experience and questions to a cutting-edge conversation with leading scientists and policy makers from the U.S. and abroad. 

This conference seeks to build an agenda for action and research based on the input of all attendees. This will be done through a combination of short presentations, panel and room discussions, and working groups whose recommendations will be reviewed and discussed in plenary sessions.

The two-day dialogue will be organized around five themes: • Data Transparency and Open Science, • Peer-Review and Evaluation of Science, • Research Policy and Incentives, • Methods and Reporting, • Education and Engagement. To help build new bridges between scientific disciplines and all sectors of the scientific system, networking opportunities will be fostered throughout the conference, including a reception and breakout group poster session, and posters from other organized initiatives dedicated to improving research quality.


Stanford University School of Medicine
Arrillaga Alumni Center, 326 Galvez St
Stanford, CA 94305