Complimentary Short-Term Technical Assistance

The OCE offers an array of complimentary and fee-based technical assistance and consultation services to faculty, trainees, and community partners. To maximize effectiveness, please connect with OCE as early in the research process as possible. Also, please read our policies on requesting services detailed below.

Partnership Development

  • Development of partnership agreements
  • Planning to identify community engaged-related research priorities
  • Meeting facilitation with community partner(s)


  • Matchmaking potential faculty or community partners

community engagement advising

  • Choosing the most effective CE strategy
  • Review of community-engaged components of grant proposals
  • Developing skills to utilize effective principles of engagement
  • Strategizing potential community stakeholders and advisers for research project

Community-academic navigation

  • Troubleshooting with regard to Stanford systems and non-profit structures

In-Depth or Long-Term Community Engagement Services

The OCE team also provides community engagement services and staffing on projects requiring more in-depth community engagement components.

Center for Population Health Sciences: Community Engagement Seed Grantees are offered one year of free, in-depth or long-term technical assistance to support the investment made by PHS as well as spur growth for projects to generate future funding and research.

Partnership Development

  • Community advisory board development facilitation (i.e., structure, evaluation, charter)
  • Meeting facilitation (i.e., planning, conflict management, project implementation)

Partnership Evaluation

  • Evaluative services for partnerships and programs

Grant writing & Content Expertise

Co-develop study design

Grant writing support

-Write the community engagement -section of grants, including related budget forms, and frameworks

-Review community engagement section of grant and provide guidance

-Identify stakeholders and partners and coordinate letters of support

  • Research support (i.e., focus group facilitation, data analysis)


OCE Policies for Requesting Services:

  • Schedule an introductory meeting to discuss the scope and nature of the community engagement plan.
  • Contact the OCE at least four weeks in advance of a grant submission. We advise investigators to contact OCE as soon as they know they are pursuing a grant.
  • OCE staff resources will be included in the budget to accommodate staffing needs when investigators require on-going support in the areas of coordinating and gathering letters of support, developing a community engagement framework, budgeting, report writing, partnership development, etc.

Connect with Us

Stanford faculty, students, trainees and affiliated researchers are invited to join the Center for Population Health Sciences. Members receive access to data sets, funding notices, consultation and collaboration opportunities.