
Residents and Clinical Fellows: General Information

The Department of Pathology of Stanford University seeks to train outstanding academically-oriented candidates for leadership positions in pathology.

Residency Programs. We offer residency training in Anatomic Pathology (AP) only, Clinical Pathology (CP) only, combined AP and CP (AP/CP) and combined AP and Neuropathology (AP/NP). The overall goal of our program is to provide in-depth, flexible training in all aspects of pathology, leading to board certification in AP, CP, AP/CP, or AP/NP. For selected candidates, we also can offer training in AP followed by training in Hematopathology Fellowship.

Current AP Residents
Current CP Residents
Current AP/CP Residents

◊ Clinical Fellowships. We offer clinical fellowships in cytopathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology, molecular genetic pathology, neuropathology, transfusion medicine and surgical pathology.

◊ Informational Links for Trainees:

Guarantees to Residents in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and to Clinical Fellows.
The faculty believe it is essential that trainees considering any residency or clinical fellowship have a clear understanding of which features are certain (i.e., guaranteed) and which are subject to availability or other considerations. Assuming continued satisfactory performance, the following aspects of our program are guaranteed to our trainees.

  1. The clinical experience required by the American Board of Pathology for board eligibility in the selected program (AP only, AP/CP, CP only, or AP/NP tracks, or in the subspecialties covered by our accredited fellowships).
  2. Note: Although the American Board of Pathology has recently eliminated the "credentialing year" requirement for board certification in AP, CP or AP/CP, we strongly recommend that all AP/CP residents take an optional additional year of AP training as the fifth year of their AP/CP program (see immediately below).
  3. The educational environment required by ACGME regulations.
  4. Employment and basic benefits as dictated by the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office.
  5. Up to three-years of salary support for postdoctoral research training of residents preparing for a career devoted  primarily to research.
  6. This program is designed to help residents launch a career in which a majority (generally, 70% or more) of their effort will be devoted to extra-murally funded research. In general, such residents train in our AP only, CP only, or AP/NP programs, but, with the approval of the Chair, selected residents with this career plan can opt for AP/CP training. Many trainees elect to exercise the option of completing a subspecialty fellowship after their basic residency training before beginning their period of postdoctoral research in the Physician Scholar Program. Such residents are eligible for inclusion in the Stanford Society of Physician Scholars. The resident and her/his mentor are expected to seek outside (e.g., NIH K08, etc.) support for the research program. Until the external award is received, or if the external award does not provide salary support at the equivalent PGY level plus the standard housing benefit (see below), then the Department of Pathology will supplement the resident's salary to that level. The Department will assist our residents in finding a suitable laboratory at Stanford for their research training; this laboratory may be either within or outside of the Department of Pathology (see Resident Research Opportunities for more details). In most cases, those seeking NIH K08 awards will be appointed to the academic rank of Instructor in the Department of Pathology.

◊ For more information, contact Ms. Rachael Jacinto, Residency and Fellowship Coordinator


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