Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

How To

Appoint New Postdocs

Postdoctoral Administrators in departments and lab groups are instrumental in a successful transition of new postdoctoral scholars to Stanford as well as in providing postdocs with necessary and effective support during their training period. More ›

Extend Appointments

Administrators may reappoint (or extend current appointment) of their postdoctoral scholars by submitting a signed reappointment letter to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. More ›

Transfer to Another Stanford Department

In the event a postdoc is transferring from one department to another, both departments need to complete the Change form. More ›

Transfer to a Staff Position

Termination forms are required in the case of postdocs transferring into a staff position at Stanford. The termination form must be submitted as soon as the start date of the staff position is established. The postdoctoral administrator should work with the human resources administrator who is managing the staff hire in order to facilitate access of the individual record in university systems. In the case of international scholars, the postdoctoral administrator must contact the International Center to indicate the switch to staff status, which requires valid H-1B status (amended if the status is current). Allow at least 4-6 weeks for the appropriate procedure to take its course within Stanford and with USCIS. More ›

End Appointments

Termination forms should be provided to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs a month before the scholar is leaving. A forwarding address is required. More ›

Early Termination

During the postdoctoral term of appointment, the appointment is contingent upon programmatic need, satisfactory performance and the existence of funding. More ›

Manage Funding

Postdoctoral scholar funding must be recorded, completely, in GFS at all times. This includes any external funding/direct-paid support to the scholar in addition to salary and stipend information in GFS. Notice of all external awards must be forwarded to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Funding levels must meet the university’s annual minimums during any given period of appointment. Department administrators are responsible to ensure that the university funding policy for postdocs is implemented correctly in their departments. More ›

Request Visas

At Stanford University, approximately 50% of the scholars are non-U.S. citizens. The University's official representative for processing visa requests for postdoctoral scholars is the Bechtel International Center. More

Adminster Leave of Absence

The leave policy for postdoctoral scholars is described in the Research Policy Handbook. More ›

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