Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

iRite/iSpeak Course

iRite/iSpeak is a week-long short course for postdoctoral scholars that is designed to help them develop understandable, succinct and compelling oral and written accounts of the scope and relevance of their research for lay audiences. In this course, participants learn a range of techniques to enhance their listening, writing, speaking, and flexible thinking skills.  Course goals include facilitating successful job talks and grant requests or proposals, increasing ease during informal conversations with professional and personal contacts, and developing skill in adapting quickly to various audiences.

By preparing postdoctoral scholars with skills to effectively present their own work, iRite/iSpeak contributes to:

  • Interdisciplinarity within academic communities, both nationally and internationally.
  • Broader dissemination, comprehension, and appreciation among the general public and policy-makers of academic approaches and findings.
  • Refined quality and accuracy of journalistic representations of academic research.
  • Enhanced likelihood that research findings will be used for policy- and decision-making.

Instructor: Marianne Neuwirth, Ph.D (

More information around the theory of the course can be found on the iRite/iSpeak website at:

Testimonials from Past Postdoc Participants.

Quarter Course: Summer

Attendance of all class meetings is required

Registration: TBD

Location: TBD

Class is limited to 24.  Participants will be selected and notified of their acceptance into the course. 

Payment of deposit: Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (map).   After receiving confirmation that you were accepted into the course, there is a check deposit required to hold your spot ($200).  The check must be made out to: Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

The check is returned to the participant at the end of the week upon successful completion of all sessions (attendance for all five days of the class).  The check will only be deposited if the participant misses class.



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