Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

The Art of Asking (and Answering) Questions

Date and Time:   Nov. 13, 2014, 3 to 5 PM


Instructor:  Marianne Neuwirth, Ph.D, Communication Consultant and Trainer.

Workshop Description:
Effective communication includes not only what you say and hear, but also the types of questions you ask, or encounter. In this workshop participants will learn various functions of questions, how to identify different types of questions, and how to use effective and creative questions to enhance presenting and interviewing. We will also address answering various types of questions, including those that follow job talks, and those from potential funders, advisors, critics, and colleagues. Regardless of your discipline, this workshop will give you tools to help your communication be more refined and engaging.

Learning Goals:
- strengthened confidence during Q/A after public presentations
- improved performance skills during job talks and interviews
- increased ease during informal conversations with professional and personal contacts


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