Faculty and Academic Staff

Associate Professor Michael Baiocchi, PhD

MICHAEL BAIOCCHI, PhD, is an associate professor of medicine at Stanford School of Medicine. In March 2014, Dr. Baiocchi joined the Stanford Prevention Research Center following three years as a Stein Fellow in the Department of Statistics in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences. He received his BA in Mathematics with Departmental Honors in 2003 from Williams College and his doctoral degree in Statistics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Baiocchi’s primary goal is to improve health care. He specializes in creating simple and easy to understand methodologies for casual inference and observational studies. He focusses on propensity score and instrumental variable methodologies and has developed a hybridized technique called near-far matching, which allows researchers to address selection bias arising from both observed and unobserved confounding. Dr. Baiocchi is also interested in developing pragmatic randomized trials that can be run in real-world situations but still provide high quality data for estimating treatment effects. Dr. Baiocchi has extensive health care knowledge and has advised Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, he has won several awards for research and teaching including the Parker Bursk Prize for excellence in research, and he was awarded a K99/R00 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.