
Alexis Burgess Academic Title: Assistant Professor
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Andrew Ng Academic Title: Associate Professor
> Interests: Statistical artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and machine learning, reinforcement learning and adaptive control, algorithms for text and web data processing.

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Anna-Sara Malmgren Academic Title: Assistant Professor
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Anne Fernald Academic Title: Associate Professor
> Publications: Fernald, A., Perfors, A., & Marchman, V. A. (2006). Picking up speed in understanding: Speech processing efficiency and vocabulary growth across the 2nd year. Developmental Psychology, 42, 98-116. Thorpe, K. & Fernald, A. (2006). Knowing what a novel word is not: Two-year-olds “listen through” ambiguous adjectives in fluent speech. Cognition, 100: 389–433. Fernald, A. & Hurtado, N. (2006). Names in frames: Infants interpret words in sentence frames faster than words in isolation. Developmental Science, 9: F33 – F40. Hurtado, N., Marchman, V.A., & Fernald, A. (2007). Spoken word recognition by Latino children learning Spanish as their first language. Journal of Child Language, 37: 227 – 249. Lew-Williams, C. & Fernald, A. (2007). Young children learning Spanish make rapid use of grammatical gender in spoken word recognition. Psychological Science, 18: 193 – 198. Zangl, R. & Fernald, A. (2007). Increasing flexibility in children’s online processing of grammatical and nonce determiners in fluent speech.. Language Learning and Development, 3: 199 – 231.
Interests: First language acquisition, the early development of speech perception abilities and language comprehension, experimental studies of word recognition and speed of linguistic processing by infants and young children, cross-language research on prosody and pragmatics in parent-child interaction.

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Annie Zaenen Academic Title: Consulting Professor
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Anthony Wagner Academic Title: Associate Professor
> Publications: (1) Badre, D., & Wagner, A. D. (in press). Selection, integration, and conflict monitoring: Assessing the nature and generality of prefrontal cognitive control mechanisms. Neuron. (2) Davachi, L., Mitchell, J. P., & Wagner, A. D. (2003). Multiple routes to memory: Distinct medial temporal lobe processes build item and source memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 100, 2157-2162. (3) Bunge, S. A., Kahn, I., Wallis, J. D., Miller, E. K., & Wagner, A. D. (2003). Neural circuits subserving the retrieval and maintenance of abstract rules. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90, 3419-3428. (4) Dobbins, I. G., Foley, H., Schacter, D. L., & Wagner, A. D. (2002). Executive control during episodic retrieval: Multiple prefrontal processes subserve source memory. Neuron, 35, 989-996. (5) Davachi, L., & Wagner, A. D. (2002). Hippocampal contributions to episodic encoding: Insights from relational and item-based learning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 88, 982-990. (6) Wagner, A. D., Paré-Blagoev, E. J., Clark, J., & Poldrack, R. A. (2001). Recovering meaning: Left prefrontal cortex guides controlled semantic retrieval. Neuron, 31, 329-338. (7) Wagner, A.D., Koutstaal, W., Maril, A., Schacter, D.L., & Buckner, R.L. (2000). Process-specific repetition priming in left inferior prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 1176-1184. (8) Wagner, A.D. (1999). Working memory contributions to human learning and remembering. Neuron, 22, 19-22. (9) Wagner, A.D., Schacter, D.L., Rotte, M., Koutstaal, W., Maril, A., Dale, A.M., Rosen, B.R., & Buckner, R.L. (1998). Building memories: Remembering and forgetting of verbal experiences as predicted by brain activity. Science, 281, 1188-1191.
Interests: Cognitive neuroscience of memory and cognitive/executive control in young and older adults. Research interests include encoding and retrieval mechanisms; interactions between declarative, nondeclarative, and working memory; forms of cognitive control; neurocognitive aging; functional organization of prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe, assessed by functional MRI, MEG/ERP, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

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Arto Anttila Academic Title: Associate Professor
> Interests: phonology, phonology/morphology and phonology/syntax interactions, annotated corpora, Optimality Theory

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Baba Shiv Academic Title: Professor
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Barbara Tversky Academic Title: Professor Emeritus
> Publications: /Functional Significance of Visuospatial Representations/, to appear in Shah and Miyake, Handbook of Visuospatial Reasoning.
Interests: Memory and spatial thinking and language, especially mental models, cognitive maps, diagrammatic reasoning, visuospatial interfaces, events, event perception and cognition, action learning, gesture; eyewitness testimony, motor and body imagery, cross-linguistic effects, how we tell the stories of our lives, categorization.

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Ben Barres Academic Title: Professor
> Interests: Neuron-glial interactions, role of astrocytes in the development and function of neural circuitry, neuronal survival and regeneration, glial development and function.

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