Undergraduate Minor - Symbolic Systems

[Updated July 23, 2015 - Core area lists updated to reflect changes in major core]

To declare a minor in Symbolic Systems, you must be a matriculated Stanford undergraduate who is not majoring in Symbolic Systems. Stanford undergraduates with a SUNET ID can declare via Axess.


Students may minor in Symbolic Systems by completing either Option 1 or Option 2 below, subject to the University Policy on Minors. See also the Introductory Skill Requirements course list.

  1. One course in each of the following core areas (please note that several of these courses have prerequisites):
    1. Cognition: One of the following.
      • SYMSYS 100. Introduction to Cognitive and Information Sciences (same as LINGUIST 144, PHIL 190, PSYCH 35)*
      • PSYCH 45. Introduction to Learning and Memory
      • PSYCH 50. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
    2. Logic and Computation: One of the following.
      • PHIL 150. Basic Concepts in Mathematical Logic (same as PHIL 250)
      • PHIL 151. First-Order Logic (same as PHIL 251)
      • CS 103. Mathematical Foundations of Computing
    3. Computer Programming: One of the following.
      • CS 106B. Programming Abstractions (same as ENGR 70B)
      • CS 106X. Programming Abstractions (Accelerated) (same as ENGR 70X)
      • CS 107. Computer Organization and Systems
    4. Philosophical Foundations: One of the following.
      • SYMSYS 100. Minds and Machines (same as LINGUIST 144, PHIL 190, PSYCH 35)*
      • PHIL 80. Mind, Matter, and Meaning
    5. Linguistic Theory: One of the following.
      • LINGUIST 105. Phonetics (same as LINGUIST 205A)
      • LINGUIST 110. Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
      • LINGUIST 120. Introduction to Syntax
      • LINGUIST 121A. The Syntax of English
      • LINGUIST 121B. Crosslinguistic Syntax
      • LINGUIST 130A. Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (same as LINGUIST 230A)
      • LINGUIST 130B. Introduction to Lexical Semantics
      • SYMSYS 184. Syntactic Theory and Implemetation (same as LINGUIST 184)
    6. Computation and Cognition: One of the following.
      • BIOE341. Computational Neural Networks (discontinued)
      • CS121. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (discontinued)
      • CS 221. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
      • CS 222. Rational Agency and Intelligent Interaction (same as PHIL 358)
      • CS 224M. Multi-Agent Systems
      • CS 227. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
      • CS 228. Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques
      • CS 229. Machine Learning
      • LINGUIST 180. From Languages to Information (same as CS 124, LINGUIST 280)
      • LINGUIST 182. Computational Theories of Syntax (same as LINGUIST 282)
      • PSYCH 204. Computation and Cognition: the Probabilistic Approach
      • PSYCH 209. Neural Network and Deep Learning Models for Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
      • PSYCH209A. The Neural Basis of Cognition: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach (discontinued)
      • PSYCH 239. Formal and Computational Approaches in Psychology and Cognitive Science

*SYMSYS 100 may not be counted for both areas a and d.

  1. Both of the following:
    • SYMSYS 100. Introduction to Cognitive and Information Sciences (same as LINGUIST 144, PHIL 190, PSYCH 35)
    • Plus an interdisciplinary concentration listed on the Symsys website. To qualify, the selection of courses used for the minor must be interdisciplinary; i.e., it must either include courses from at least three departments, or include more than one course from each of two departments.

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