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Workshops & Meetings - Adaptation

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Loss and Damage

Date Event Venue  
11–13 October 2017 Sixth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
18–19 May 2017 First meeting of the Task Force on Displacement Bonn, Germany more>>
21–24 March 2017 Fifth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
19–23 September 2016 Fourth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
15–16 September 2016 First meeting of the Expert Group on non-economic losses  Bonn, Germany more>> 
27–29 July 2016 Technical meeting on migration, displacement and human mobility Casablanca, Morocco more>> 
26–30 April 2016 Third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany
2–5 February 2016 Second meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
24–26 September 2015 First meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
17–18 September 2014 Resumed initial meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
25–28 March 2014 Initial meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Bonn, Germany more>>
12–14 September 2013 Expert meeting to consider future needs, including capacity needs associated with possible approaches to address slow onset events  Nadi, Fiji more>>
24 November 2012 Informal presessional meeting of Parties to exchange further views on the possible recommendations on loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change Doha, Qatar more>>
9–11 October 2012 Expert meeting for SIDs on a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events Bridgetown, Barbados more>>
27–29 August 2012 Regional expert meeting for Asia and Eastern Europe on a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events Bangkok, Thailand more>>
23–25 July 2012 Regional expert meeting for Latin American region on a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events Mexico City, Mexico more>>
13–15 June 2012 Regional expert meeting for African region on a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events Addis Ababa, Ethiopia more>>
26–28 March 2012 Expert meeting on assessing the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change Tokyo, Japan more>>



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Nairobi Work Programme

Date Event Venue  
8 November 2017 11th Focal Point Forum  Bonn, Germany  more >>>
 9 November 2016  10th Focal Point Forum Marrakech, Morocco more>>
30 November 2015 Ninth Focal Point Forum Paris, France more>>
3 December 2014 Eighth Focal Point Forum Lima, Peru more>>
1–4 April 2014 Joint meeting of the Adaptation Committee and the Nairobi work programme: Available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation Bonn, Germany pdf-icon Agenda (184 kB)

13 November 2013 Seventh Focal Point Forum Warsaw, Poland pdf-icon Agenda  (88 kB)
21–23 March 2013 Technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change Dar es Salaam, Tanzania more>>
27 November 2012 Sixth Focal Point Forum Doha, Qatar pdf-icon Agenda (79 kB)
18-20 July 2012 Technical workshop on water, climate change impacts and adaptation strategies Mexico City, Mexico more>>
30 November 2011  Joint SBSTA/SBI in-session workshop to consider the outcomes of the Nairobi work programme, to highlight the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change most relevant to the SBI Durban, South Africa more>>
29 November 2011 Fifth Focal Point Forum Durban, South Africa pdf-icon Summary note (74 kB)
pdf-icon Agenda (9 kB)
7 June 2011 Informal meeting held by partners of the Nairobi work programme Bonn, Germany pdf-icon Report (175 kB)
pdf-icon Flyer and Agenda (94 kB)
6 December 2010 Fourth Focal Point Forum Cancun, Mexico  pdf-icon Summary note (231 kB)
28–30 September 2010  Informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme Manila, the Philippines more>>
22–24 June 2010 Technical workshop on costs and benefits of adaptation options  Madrid, Spain more>>
22–24 June 2010 Third Focal Point Forum Bonn, Germany pdf-icon Summary note (174 kB)
2–5 March 2010 Technical workshop on collaboration among regional centres and networks Apia, Samoa more>>
3 November 2009 Side event on the Nairobi work programme during AWG-LCA 7 Barcelona, Spain pdf-icon Summary (137 kB)
pdf-icon Flyer (228 kB)
pdf-icon Agenda (79 kB)
pdf-icon UNFCCC presentation (6431 kB)
12–14 October 2009 Technical workshop on advancing the integration of approaches to adaptation planning Bangkok, Thailand more>>
3 June 2009 Side event on the Nairobi work programme during SBSTA 30  Bonn, Germany pdf-icon Flyer
pdf-icon Agenda (87 kB)

pdf-icon Helen Plume (357 kB)
pdf-icon Xianfu Lu (191 kB)
pdf-icon Rajib Shaw (368 kB)
pdf-icon Merylyn Hedger (361 kB)
28–30 April 2009 Workshop on increasing economic resilience to climate change and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors Cairo,  Egypt more>>
10–12 March 2009 Workshop on integrating practices, tools and systems for climate risk assessment and management and disaster risk reduction strategies into national policies and programmes Havana, Cuba more>>
6 December 2008 Second Focal Point Forum Poznan, Poland pdf-icon Summary note
June 2008  In-session workshop on climate modelling, scenarios and downscaling Bonn, Germany more>>
7–9 April 2008 Informal meeting of representatives from Parties on the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme Bangkok, Thailand more>>
10-12 March 2008 Expert meeting on socio-economic information Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago more>>
47 March 2008 Expert meeting on methods and tools, and on data and observations Mexico City, Mexico more>>
10 December 2007 First Focal Point Forum    
1012 September 2007 Workshop on adaptation planning and practices Rome, Italy more>>
2729 June 2007 Workshop on best practices with conducting technology needs assessments Bangkok, Thailand Report
1820 June 2007 Workshop on climate related risks and extreme events Cairo, Egypt more>>
1315 March 2006 Informal meeting of representatives from Parties to further elaborate a draft indicative list of activities for the five-year programme of work of the SBSTA Bonn, Germany more>>
1719 October 2005 Workshop on the development of the five-year programme of work Bonn, Germany more>>



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National Adaptation Plans

Date Event Venue  
25-27 Sept. 2017  LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for African Francophone developing countries  Rabat, Morocco   more>>
4-7 Sept. 2017 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for the Latin America and the Caribbean San José, Costa Rica more>>
10-13 July 2017 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for the Pacific region Nadi, Fiji more>>
28 June 2017 Regional NAP Expo at CBA11 Kampala, Uganda more>>
13-16 June 2017 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for Asia Manila, The Philippines more>> 
Postponed to April 2018 NAP Expo 2017: Advancing National Adaptation Plans Bonn, Germany more>>
27 February-3 March 2017 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for
Anglophone African least developed countries 
Lilongwe, Malawi more>>
16 November 2016 High Level Event on the Sustainable Development Benefits of Adaptation in Africa during COP 22 Marrakech, Morocco more>>
14 November 2016  Progress in advancing National Adaptation Plans - President’s high-level event during COP 22 Marrakech, Morocco pdf-icon more>>
11-15 July 2016 NAP Expo 2016: Advancing National Adaptation Plans post-Paris  Bonn, Germany more>> 
28 September-2 October 2015  LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for African Francophone developing countries Niamey, Niger more>>
711 September 2015 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for African Lusophone and island States Antananarivo, Madagascar more>>
1014 August 2015 LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for the Asian region Yangon, Myanmar more>>
2731 July 2015  LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for
Anglophone North and West African countries 
Cairo, Egypt  more>> 
1617 April 2015 Workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans Bonn, Germany more>>
1415 April 2015 NAP Expo 2015 Bonn, Germany  more>>
2327 February 2015 LEG regional training workshop on NAPs for eastern and southern African LDCs, in collaboration with the NAP Global Support Programme Livingstone, Zambia more>>
37 November 2014 LEG regional training workshop on NAPs for the Pacific LDCs, in collaboration with the NAP Global Support Programme Port Vila, Vanuatu more>>
8-9 August 2014 NAP Expo 2014 Bonn, Germany more>>
2426 February 2014 LEG technical meeting on NAPs Dar es Salaam, Tanzania more>>
9 June 2013 NAP Expo: Launching of the NAP process in LDCs Bonn, Germany more>>
29-31 October 2012 Meeting to review draft national adaptation plan (NAP) technical guidelines, hosted by the LEG Bonn, Germany No additional info
1517 September 2011 Expert meeting on national adaptation plans Vientiane, Lao PDR more>> 



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National Adaptation Programmes of Action / LDC Expert Group

Date Event Venue  
7-10 August 2017 32nd meeting of the LEG Port-au-Prince, Haiti more>>
28 June 2017 Regional NAP Expo at CBA11 Kampala, Uganda more>>
9 May 2017 LEG side event during SB 46 Bonn, Germany  more>>
Postponed to April 2018 NAP Expo 2017: Advancing National Adaptation Plans  Bonn, Germany   more>>
7-10 March 2017 31st meeting of the LEG Bonn, Germany more>>
8 November 2016  LEG side event during Marrakech Climate Change Conference Marrakech, Morocco more>>
 7-10 September 2016 30th meeting of the LEG Monrovia, Liberia more>>
11-15  July 2016 NAP Expo 2016: Advancing National Adaptation Plans post-Paris Bonn, Germany more>>
17 May 2016  LEG side event during SB 44 Bonn, Germany more>>
15-19 March 2016 29th meeting of the LEG Dili, Timor-Leste  Report FCCC/SBI/2016/7 
13-16 September 2015 28th meeting of the LEG Antananarivo, Madagascar

FCCC/SBI/2015/19 and Corr.1

14-15 April 2015 NAP Expo 2015: Realizing the NAP process Bonn, Germany more>>
12-13 March 2015 27th meeting of the LEG Bangkok, Thailand more>>
9-11 March 2015 Stocktaking meeting on the work of the LEG organized in collaboration with UNDP Bangkok, Thailand more>>
8-9 August 2014 NAP Expo 2014: Catalyzing actions and support for the NAP process  Bonn, Germany more>>
4-7 August 2014  26th meeting of the LEG   Bonn, Germany more>>
9 June 2013 NAP Expo 2013: Launching of the NAP process in LDCs   Bonn, Germany more>>
20-24 August 2013 LEG regional training workshop on adaptation for Asian LDCs (in collaboration with the GEF, its agencies, and other organizations including regional centres)  Siem Reap, Cambodia more>>
29 July - 2 August 2013 LEG regional training workshop on adaptation for African Anglophone LDCs (in collaboration with the GEF, its agencies, and other organizations including regional centres) Kigali, Rwanda more>> 
18-22 March 2013 LEG regional training workshop on adaptation for Francophone LDCs (in collaboration with the GEF, its agencies, and other organizations including regional centres) Lomé, Togo more>> 
28 September - 03 October 2012 LEG regional training workshop on adaptation for Pacific LDCs (in collaboration with the GEF, its agencies, and other organizations including regional centres) Funafuti, Tuvalu more>>
3-6 November 2010
LEG regional workshop on implementing NAPA for Pacific LDCs
(in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies)
Apia, Samoa more>>
4-8 September 2010 LEG Lusophone LDCs regional workshop on implementing NAPA
(in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies)
São Tomé,
São Tomé and Príncípe
4-8 May 2010 LEG Asian LDCs regional workshop on implementing NAPA
(in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies)
Vientiane, Lao PDR more>>
08-12 February 2010 LEG Francophone LDCs regional workshop on implementing NAPA
(in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies)
Bamako, Mali more>>
19-23 October 2009 LEG African Anglophone LDCs regional workshop on implementing NAPA
(in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies)
Dar es Salaam,
3-5 September 2007 LEG stocktaking meeting on the preparation and implementation of NAPA Bangkok, Thailand more>>
5-7 March 2003 Atelier régional francophone du LEG sur les PANA
(in collaboration with UNITAR)
Burkina Faso
no additional info
25-27 June 2003 LEG Asian regional workshop on NAPA
(in collaboration with UNITAR)
Thimphu, Bhutan no additional info
9-11 September 2003 LEG African Anglophone regional workshop on NAPA
(in collaboration with UNITAR)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia no additional info
28-31 October 2003 LEG SIDs regional NAPA Workshop Apia, Samoa no additional info
18-21 September 2002 Global launch and capacity-building workshop for the preparation of NAPA Dhaka, Bangladesh more>>

25-27 April 2001

Workshop to develop draft guidelines for the preparation of NAPA Kampala, Uganda more>>


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Adaptation Committee

Date Event Venue  
19-22 September 2017 Twelfth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more >>
16-17 May 2017 Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation: "Integrating climate change adaptation with the SDGs and the Sendai Framework on DRR" Bonn, Germany more >>
12 May 2017  Second joint AC-LEG in-session event to present progress made on joint mandates from decision 1/CP.21 Bonn, Germany more >>
7-10 March 2017  Eleventh meeting of the Adaptation Committe Bonn, Germany more >>
10 November 2016  First joint AC-LEG in-session event to present progress made on joint mandates from decision 1/CP.21 Marrakech, Morocco more >>
13-16 September 2016 Tenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee  Bonn, Germany more >>
25 May 2016 Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation. Focus: Effective policy frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation planning and implementation Bonn, Germany more >>
24 May 2016  Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation. Focus: Enhancing the implementation of adaptation action Bonn, Germany more >>
17 May 2016  Side event of the Adaptation Committee at SB 44 Bonn, Germany more >>
12 May 2016 Third Adaptation Forum
In conjunction with the 2016 Adaptation Futures conference
Rotterdam, the Netherlands more >>
1-3 March 2016  Ninth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany  more >>
1 December 2015  Side event of the Adaptation Committee at COP 21  Paris, France  more >>
9-12 September 2015  Eighth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany  more >>
7-8 September 2015  Expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification  Bonn, Germany  more >>
16-17 April 2015 Workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans Bonn, Germany more >>
7 March 2015 Second Adaptation Forum
“Institutional arrangements to build partnerships and strengthen regional networks”
Panama City, Panama more >>
2-4 March 2015 Workshop on the means of implementation for enhanced adaptation action Bonn, Germany more >>
24-27 February 2015 Seventh meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more >>
29 September -
1 October 2014
Sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more >>
6 June 2014 Special event organized by the Adaptation Committee during the Bonn Climate Change Conference Bonn, Germany more >>
1-4 April 2014 Joint meeting of the Adaptation Committee and the Nairobi work programme: Available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation Bonn, Germany  more >>
5-7 March 2014 Fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more>>
19 November 2013 First Adaptation Forum Warsaw, Poland more>>
9-11 September 2013 Workshop on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation Nadi, Fiji more>> 
5-7 September 2013 Fourth meeting of the Adaptation Committee Nadi, Fiji more>> 
18-20 June 2013 Third meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more>>
5-8 March 2013 Second meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bonn, Germany more>>
7-10 September 2012 First meeting of the Adaptation Committee Bangkok, Thailand more>>

The Adaptation Exchange