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Economic Bubbles and Financial Crises, Past and Present

by Rodrique Tremblay Ph.D. "It is well enough that people ... do not understand our bankin...
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Jan Lundberg: Plastics Keep Coming after You

"Coming after You" means both your legacy of non-biodegradable plastics and that they are ...
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Neve Gordon: Rachel Corrie's Memory, Israel's Image

by Neve Gordon Ph.D. Seven years ago, Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by a Caterpillar D9R...
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The Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America

by James Petras Ph.D. “The Government of Israel has insulted the Vice President of the United ...
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After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Towards Social Collapse?

by Emily Spence Recently, Glen Sweetnam, director of the International, Economic and Gr...
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Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectual

Dear Palestinian Intellectual: Hello, and AOA. While the Palestinian people righ...
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The Unrepented Genocide: Howling Wind
Written by Chris Floyd
by Chris Floyd

The other day I was reading the New York Review of Books in a bookstore café. I saw a large ad in the bottom corner of a page; it began with this quote, in bold capitals:


My first reaction, before I read further, was a feeling of surprise that someone had articulated the case against the Iraq war so clearly – and had bought expensive space in the magazine to bring this unpunished, unrepented – indeed, unacknowledged – war crime to the national consciousness again.

A moment later, I saw that it was actually an ad for an exhibition in New York City about Raphael Lemkin, the Polish-Jewish exile and U.S. government advisor who first coined the term and developed the concept of "genocide." Under a picture of Lemkin's wartime government ID card, the ad goes on: "Before Raphael Lemkin, that kind of killing had no name. Today we know it as genocide." Then comes the title of the exhibition:

Letters of Conscience: Raphael Lemkin and the Quest to End Genocide.

The life and work of Raphael Lemkin is a worthy topic for an exhibition, of course, and I wish it all success. But still, I was struck by how aptly his words described our own situation. For by the same scientific measurement tools used by the U.S. and UK governments to determine the extent of mass slaughters in Rwanda, Darfur and other places around the world, the war of aggression launched by those two governments against Iraq in 2003 has by now resulted in the death of more than one million Iraqis.

This, from a war launched unilaterally by the Anglo-American alliance without UN sanction, against a nation that had not attacked them, had not threatened to attack them, was not capable of attacking them – and had no connection whatsoever to the 9/11 attacks, which even today are cited as the main reason for the invasion of Iraq. Just a few weeks ago, Tony Blair was passionately defending the unprovoked attack by saying that 9/11 "changed everything," and meant that the Anglo-American alliance could not "take the risk" that Iraq might, at some point, somehow, pose some kind of threat to the two rich, powerful, nuclear-armed nations thousands of miles away.





Global Peace and Justice Groups Threaten Israel's Legitimacy
by Stephen Lendman

Working pro bono for Israeli government agencies, the Tel Aviv-based Reut Institute (RI) provides "real-time strategic decision-making" support in areas of national security and socioeconomic policy. 

Saying global peace and justice groups threaten Israel's legitimacy, its recent series of articles, policy papers, and presentations counterattacked - a combination of damage control and rethink despite legitimate criticism showing Israel delegitimizes itself, and no amount of policy paper makeover will change it. Only Israel can do that, but in its 62 year existence never tried. 

In a January 28 brief, RI said Israel:

"face(s) a dramatic assault on the very legitimacy of its existence as a Jewish and democratic state. While the ideological framework for this delegitimacy was solidified after the first Durban" World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, "the trend (got) a boost by the perceived lack of (political) progress, coupled with Operation Cast Lead in Gaza," followed by the damning Goldstone Report.

Groups "making the fundamental delegitimacy" claim want to internationally isolate Israel and ultimately turn it into a pariah state by:

— demonizing it in public protests, the media, on campuses, and through events like the annual Israel Apartheid Week and World Social Forum, asking its affiliates to excommunicate Israel;
— promoting the Global BDS Movement (boycott, divestment and sanctions) in areas of the economy, academia, culture, sport, and security; at risk is it achieving equivalency between Israel and apartheid-era South Africa, yet legitimate critics, including Jimmy Carter, accuse Israel of being worse than apartheid; and

— targeting the state and its officials legally, including through the International Criminal Court (ICJ) and universal jurisdiction (UJ) to charge Israeli generals and politicians with war crimes.





Eleven Years After The Balkans Bombings: Depleted Uranium in NATO Bombs Remains Deadly
by Ljubica Vujadinovic

A leading Serbian expert in the field says the NATO's use of depleted uranium ammunition in it's aggression on Serbia has caused enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborn with malformations.

“Depleted uranium is not only radioactive, as any other heavy metal, it is very toxic as well,” explained doctor Radomir Kovacevic, from the Institute for radiology protection “Dr. Dragomir Karajovic” in Belgrade.

“It is nephrotoxic, so it primary affects kidneys, then liver and spleen. In other words, once the depleted uranium enters a human body the whole organism is poisoned.”

The DU is known as a “bone-seeker” - in the human body it tends to get permanently attached to the skeleton. As the time goes by, it provokes mutation of the cells and leads to different diseases, including cancer.

The data published by the Public Health Institute of the city of Vranje, a densely populated area in southern Serbia surrounded by four known DU contaminated locations (Pljackovica, Bratoselce, Reljan and Borovac), has shown that a number of newly registered cancer cases has more than doubled – from 185 in the year 2000 to 398 new diagnosis in 2006.

According to Dr. Kovacevic, four studies conducted so far, on both civilians and those who worked on the spots' decontamination, have shown that the DU exposure causes typical and specific changes on genetic material.

In Vranje area, a number of newborn with malformations has increased from 21 cases in 1998, to 73 in 2008. The total number of newborn didn't change – it was from 800 to 1000 babies per year.

”DNA molecule is very sensitive on aggression - in this case it is radioactivity,” told Dr. Kovacevic to Provoices. “And the changes on the genetic material caused by DU contamination will affect many future generations.”





Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent - Ex Bush Official Willing to Testify
Written by Jason Leopold
by Jason Leopold

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once declared that individuals captured by the US military in the aftermath of 9/11 and shipped off to the Guantanamo Bay prison facility represented the “worst of the worst.”

“If you think of the people down there, these are people, all of whom were captured on a battlefield,” Rumsfeld said back in 2002, “they’re terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers … would-be suicide bombers.”

But Rumsfeld knowingly lied, according to a former top Bush administration official.

And so did then Vice President Dick Cheney when he said, also in 2002 and in dozens of public statements thereafter, that Guantanamo prisoners “are the worst of a very bad lot” and “dangerous” and “devoted to killing millions of Americans, innocent Americans, if they can, and they are perfectly prepared to die in the effort.”

Now, in a sworn declaration obtained exclusively by Truthout, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who was chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell during George W. Bush’s first term in office, claims that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others knew the “vast majority” of prisoners captured in the so-called War on Terror were innocent and the administration refused to set them free once those facts were established because of the political repercussions that would have ensued.

For Cheney and Rumsfeld, and “others,” Wilkerson said, “the primary issue was to gain more intelligence as quickly as possible, both on Al Qaeda and its current and future plans and operations but increasingly also, in 2002-2003, on contacts between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s intelligence and secret police forces in Iraq.”

Wilkerson filed his declaration in support of a lawsuit filed by Adel Hassan Hamad, a 52-year-old former Guantanamo detainee who is suing Defense Secretary Robert Gates, former Joint Chief of Staff Richard Myers, and a slew of other Bush administration officials.

Hamad alleges that he was arrested in his apartment in Pakistan in July 2002, rendered to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan for three months, where he says he was tortured, and then transferred to Guantanamo, where he allegedly endured further torture at the hands of US military personnel.





Kucinich on Assassinations and Upcoming War Funding Vote
Written by David Swanson
by David Swanson

Congressman Dennis Kucinich said on Friday that he is working with Congressman Jim McGovern, a member of the Rules Committee, who has drafted a letter asking that the upcoming war supplemental be a clean vote not muddied by the inclusion of unrelated measures, such as aid to Haiti.  I asked Kucinich if that request for a clean vote included a commitment by McGovern not to propose his own amendments, and Kucinich clearly did not know or did not want to speak for his colleague, but he expressed his own support for McGovern's exit timetable proposal.  Kucinich said he expected the vote on $33 billion to escalate the war in Afghanistan to come up in the next two weeks. 

Kucinich is, thus far, the only member of Congress who, to my knowledge, has publicly urged his colleagues to vote No.  I asked him if he would urge them to join him in publicly committing to vote No ahead of time and in urging others to do the same.  Kucinich said he was writing letters urging them to vote No, but did not reply on the matter of urging them to go public and whip.

Kucinich shared with me two letters he sent in February, one to Attorney General Eric Holder (PDF), the other to Secretary of So-Called Defense Robert Gates (PDF), on the topic of extrajudicial killings, a.k.a. assassinations, a.k.a. murder.

Kucinich writes that "killings of U.S. citizens by the U.S. government or its agents are by definition outside the law."  In the current White House policy, he writes, "the government becomes policeman, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner all in one.  This suspension of basic constitutional protections for U.S. citizens puts in jeopardy our Constitution and the rule of law."

David Swanson is the author of the new book "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union" by Seven Stories Press.  You can order it and find out when tour will be in your town: http://davidswanson.org/book.






Mohawk Men's Council: Border Patrol attacks, one Mohawk paralyzed
by Brenda Norrell

On Monday April 12th, 11:00 p.m., Two Akwesasne men were rammed by a boat in Akwesasne waters by two Royal Canadian Mounted Police accompanied by two, U.S. Border Patrol and one Coast Guard, 5 boats in total.

After being rammed and ejected from their boat into the water. They were plucked out of the water by the U.S. Border Patrol and handcuffed and thrown in the boat and brought to shore. Upon being brought to shore, people at the shore realized that they were seriously injured. A call went out to the ambulance. Medical personnel and the people present ordered that the individuals be un-handcuffed so they could receive treatment.

The two individuals were transported by ambulance to Massena Memorial Hospital. At 5:45 a.m. both individuals were airlifted to Burlington Vermont with severe injuries. Both have broken backs and one of the individuals is paralyzed as reported by family members.

This incident is a very serious international issue. The Border Patrol was commanded off the Territory by land and water by Onkwehonweh Signatory Headmen.





The Vatican and America’s Christian Right: Spreading Homophobia in Every Which Way They Can
Written by Mel Seesholtz
by Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

The Vatican is still trying to divert attention from the FACT that for decades the Church’s hierarchy covered up child abuse and pedophilia by predator priests. The Holy See just can’t seem to see, so the same old diversionary tactics are still being used: 

Pope's No. 2: Pedophilia linked to homosexuality Brad Haynes Associated Press Writer 

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - The Vatican’s second-highest authority says the sex scandals haunting the Roman Catholic Church are linked to homosexuality and not celibacy among priests. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s secretary of state, made the comments during a news conference Monday in Chile, where one of the church’s highest-profile pedophile cases involves a priest having sex with young girls

“Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true,” said Bertone. “That is the problem.” [italics added] 

Odd that the Cardinal should make such a statement in Chile “where one of the church’s highest-profile pedophile cases involves a priest having sex with young girls.” 

The Associated Press report of the Cardinal’s statement left out a key line: 

“Many psychologists, many psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relationship between celibacy and pedophilia but many others have demonstrated, I was told recently, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true. I have the documents of the psychologists. That is the problem.” [italics added] 

It would be nice if the Cardinal released those “documents of the psychologists” so everyone could see which “psychologists” he was citing. That would be interesting because professional medical and psychological associations have overwhelmingly repudiated any link between homosexuality and pedophilia. 





Voice of the Hawk Elder by Seneca Wisdomkeeper Edna Gordon - Book Review by Harvey Arden
Written by Harvey Arden
by Harvey Arden
Voice of the Hawk Elder by Seneca Wisdomkeeper Edna Gordon - We need changes in this world, really big changes. I'm prayin' they'll be peaceable changes, not violent and bloody ones. I'd like to see a peaceable revolution, a revolution of broomsticks instead of guns.Call it a Broomstick Revolution. That's right. The People pick up their broomsticks and march together and Sweep Injustice Out! Make a clean sweep, a big cleanin' like's never been seen before. Broomsticks against Injustice. Now that'll be the day! We'll take our broomsticks and we'll sweep Leonard Peltier right out o' prison, along with all the other innocents. Yep—a Broomstick Revolution! That's what we need!
"Welcome to my umbrella tree," says Hawk Elder Edna Gordon, seating herself opposite me at her well-weathered backyard picnic-table, gesturing with a wide sweep of her hand at the rich tapestry of overhanging branches arching all the way to the ground around us, creating a kind of natural gazebo.

She nods at the tree as at a cherished old friend, and nods at me, her visitor.

"This old tree's the whole of Creation, you know, if you got eyes to see…," she says, and her throaty voice trails away thoughtfully.

I look upward into the drooping canopy of heavily leafed branches all but encasing us.

"Like a house of leaves," I say.

"More'n that," she says, "…the whole Creation's right here in this tree, if you can see it… You're sittin' right inside o' Creation itself! Don't you see it? Can't you feel it?"

I put the palm of my hand on the rough bark of the trunk.

"I …I can feel it, I think," I say.

"Your hand on the tree, that's Life on Life," Edna says. "This Umbrella tree here's at the center of the Universe! And so are we!"

Certainly, when you're with a visionary like Edna Gordon, the Universe, the Creation itself, occupies not the background of your consciousness but the foreground. She's continually reminding me—and all of us—of the oft-forgotten fact that We Exist! that the World, the Universe, the very Creation itself is here and now with us at every magical instant—and that it's our privilege, our joy, and our duty as living beings to realize this in every conscious moment, to see it, to appreciate it, to be ever-thankful and ever-marveling at all of this unthinkable vastness and infinite particularity around us and within us. She insists that we see—and, yes, feel--this miracle that we ourselves are an integral, even essential part of this Mystery beyond all mysteries.





Alexia Eastwood - Revisiting Economic Man
by Alexia Eastwood
Recent empirical studies suggest that people, far from being self-interested ‘rational maximizers’, have an innate tendency to share and cooperate. Could renewed scientific interest in the essence of human nature provide the building blocks for an alternative economic order?

A wealth of literature has recently emerged emphasising humanity's biological and social propensity for sharing and cooperation, effectively challenging the model of human nature that has underpinned the dominant political and economic structures of recent decades.[1] Empirical evidence from studies of behavioural psychology has suggested that our inclination to share and cooperate is hardwired into our genetic code and may have acted as an evolutionary advantage in human societies throughout the ages.[2] These new findings confirm what anthropological research has long suggested; that basic human nature does not conform to the narrow model of economic rationality that our society often assumes to be a self-evident truth.

The debate about the essence of human nature is not a point of mere philosophical contention but in fact has far-reaching consequences for the society we live in, informing a meta-narrative for how we construct and relate to the world around us. The discipline of economics began as moral philosophy and sought to discover the ‘natural' laws of the economy. To begin to achieve this goal required an understanding of human nature to inform the inquiry. Adam Smith and David Ricardo, often regarded as the founding fathers of economics, informed their philosophy with a view of human nature based on the utilitarian principle that human beings are ‘rational maximizers' of their own interest. This model of human nature is still used today and is often referred to as Economic Man or Homo Economicus.[3] Smith's suggestion that the self-interested actions of individual agents guided by the ‘invisible hand' of the market would lead to the greater good of all society further enforced ideas of the ‘hyper-rational individual', and underlies much of our current economic framework.[4]

Modern economics uses these underlying assumptions of human behaviour as the basis for mathematical models, which are often used to develop policy and shape social outcomes. Neoliberal ideology, which incorporated ideas of neoclassical economics, rose to political dominance during the 1980s championed by Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and Helmut Kohl. They drew not only upon economic theory to support their worldview, but also on the findings of contemporary behavioural science such as rational choice theory and John Nash's game theory, both of which aimed to scientifically prove the essentially self-interested and rational nature of individuals. Economic Man thereby left the sphere of philosophy and became perceived by many policymakers as scientific fact, enabling Thatcher to make her infamous claim in 1987 that "there is no society". This marked the advent of an era of socio-economic policies based on assumptions of a highly individualistic and self-interested human being.





Deja Vu: Vanunu, Kamm, Blau and the Fragility of Freedom
by Eileen Fleming

On April 14, 2010, Mordechai Vanunu reported from occupied east Jerusalem, "The restrictions, not to leave the country for one more year renewed. Now 7 years since my release AFTER 18 YEARS in Israel PRISON."

Twenty-four years after the Mossad kidnapped Mordechai Vanunu from Rome after luring him from London, they have returned to track down another who followed his conscience but has been labeled a traitor by the state and a public who view truth tellers as a threat to their sense of security.

The prey this time is Uri Blau, an investigative journalist for the Israeli daily Haaretz, who went into hiding after writing a series of reports exposing lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders. Blau faces a lengthy jail term for espionage and Israeli security services have warned they would “remove the gloves” and track down the “fugitive felon.”

Jonathan Cook, reported for The National, “Options being considered are an extradition request to the British authorities or, if that fails, a secret operation by Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, to smuggle him back, according to Maariv, a right-wing newspaper.” [1]

Blau’s informant and professional collegue, Anat Kamm, was put under secret house arrest by Israel last December based on allegations that during her military service she leaked classified documents regarding how Israeli Forces violated laws dealing with targeted killings. Kamm was charged under Israel’s espionage and treason laws while she was working as a reporter for the Israeli site Walla, which had been partially owned by Haaretz until the week prior to her December arrest.

The military censor, which prevents publication of information that they deem could harm Israel’s national security, approved the Haaretz story for publication. The Israeli court gagged details of Kamm’s arrest and news of the arrest itself.

After a cyber storm of reporting, the gag order was lifted and it was reported that shortly after her arrest, Kamm admitted to copying the documents while serving in the office in charge of operations in the West Bank, between 2005 and 2007.  The 23 year old acted out of conscience to expose war crimes and believed she would be forgiven for her honesty and integrity, and only time will tell.

A prelude to the Kamm affair began in July 2009, when Kamm’s brothers in spirit from Breaking the Silence, an Israeli human rights group published 54 testimonies from Israeli soldiers regarding their experiences during Operation Cast Lead.





Hasbara or Za’bara
by Salman Abu Sitta Ph.D.

Nobody perfected this art of deception, or double-speak, better than the Zionist agents. How else could you explain the success of a Hungarian man, like Herzl, sitting in a Vienna Café, and professing that a Jews’ State will be established in 50 years in a faraway land he had never lived in? His success, almost solely in Europe at the time, was manifested by convincing colonial powers of the advantages of supporting his colonial project and convincing their people, the Europeans, that this conquest, killing, plunder and destitution of a people is a divine will, a miracle and a victory for western civilization.

Nobody had to create so many myths and falsehoods in their endeavours more than the Zionists. The reason is simple: they did not have credible facts to prove their case, so they had to invent dubious alternatives, relying on the readiness of the gullible people and the opportunistic politicians to believe them.

Take the slogan: “Palestine is a land without people”. It was terra nullius, they say. Of course, Zionists knew that people lived there and built over 1000 towns and villages, most are 2000 years old, according to Eusebius the Bishop of Caesarea (313 AD) who recorded them. Yet Zionists submitted a map to the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919, showing Palestine as ‘a grazing land for nomads’. They presented this map to the colonial powers, particularly the British and the French. The irony of course is that the British had finished their voluminous survey of Palestine, 40 years earlier, in 10 volumes, listing 12,000 historical sites including towns and villages, and the French finished their survey through their scholar, Victor Guerin, in 1863, who produced 8 volumes of his journey to almost every Palestinian village. Yet they chose to believe the Zionists and hoodwinked their public to support this ‘noble and moral’ conquest, in churches, newspapers and public debates.

What then is the meaning of terra nullius? It does not mean (to them) an empty land. It means that those who live there do not matter, they are worthless. It is like clearing woods from dry bushes and insects.

These are the exact words of Herzl,

“If we move into a region where there are wild animals to which Jews are not accustomed – big snakes etc. – I shall use the natives, prior to giving them employment in the transit countries [read: expulsion], for the extermination of these animals.”

Of course he did not say this in his published book, only in his then unpublished diary.

Balfour said as much:

“… in Palestine, we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country. Zionism [is] of profounder impact than the desires and prejudices [not the rights] of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit this ancient land.”
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