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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Approximately 569,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) nationwide store petroleum or hazardous substances. The greatest potential threat from a leaking UST is contamination of groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. EPA, states, and tribes work in partnership with industry to protect the environment and human health from potential releases.

Learning About USTs
Underground storage tanks are in every community in the United States. Learn more about preventing and cleaning up releases from underground storage tanks.
Meeting UST Requirements
Understanding the UST regulations can help prevent leaking UST systems. This section provides UST owners and operators, UST inspectors, states, and territories resources to meet their requirements.
Preventing and Detecting Releases
EPA, states, and tribes work in partnership with industry to protect the environment and human health from UST releases.
Cleaning Up Releases
Regulations require that leaking USTs be cleaned up to restore and protect groundwater sources. This section includes information and resources to help UST owners and operators meet those requirements.
USTs in Indian Country
EPA provides technical and financial support to tribal governments to prevent and clean up releases from USTs in Indian country.
Alternative Fuels and USTs
EPA requires that USTs are compatible with the substances stored in them. Learn more about storing alternative fuels in underground storage tanks.
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