About BioMASS

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BioMASS is a student group whose mission is to bring together graduate students from all different departments who share an interest in medical biology.  This includes students not only from the departments within the School of Medicine, but some students from the School of Arts and Sciences and Engineering.

Our most visible function is to bring students together for a monthly social hour (normally Thursday 5-7), where we provide drinks and snacks for students after a long week of work.  We also plan a yearly camping trip for incoming 1st year students, to encourage them to meet peers from other departments.  This is a two night trip, often in Big Basin State Park or Portola Redwood State Park and is responsible for starting many friendships over the years.

Beyond the obvious social functions, BioMASS also serves as an advocate at Faculty Senate Meetings, liason to the Lane Library, and an advisor to the Career Center about how they can best serve biomedical graduate students.  Informally, meetings are also a forum where we can discuss pertinent graduate issues like how to improve graduate life at Stanford, mental health issues, bike safety among many other things.  Come join us at our monthly meetings and enjoy free food and see for youself what BioMASS is all about.

2009-10 Leadership Positions

President -- Moria Chambers

Vice President -- Jeremy Chang

Treasurer -- Louis Fernandes

Webmaster -- Murtaza Mogri

Social Chairs -- Louis Fernandes, Karen Colbert

New Student Orientation -- Andrew Roos, Masoud Sadaghiani

Camping Trip Coordinators -- Thomas Roos, Andrew Roos

Handbook Coordinator -- Karen Colbert

Graduate Student Survey Coordinator -- Jeremy Chang

Interschool Liaison -- Murtaza Mogri

Career Center Liaison -- Kirsten Frieda

Alumni Association Liaison -- Murtaza Mogri

LKSC Liaisons -- Amy Palin, Johanna Schaub

Lane Library Liaison -- Amy Palin

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