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BioMedically Affiliated Students at Stanford

BioMASS is a student group whose mission is to bring together graduate students from all different departments who share an interest in medical biology. This includes students not only from the departments within the School of Medicine, but some students from the School of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. Click here for more about BioMASS


To stay informed about important BioMASS information and events, subscribe to the BioMASS e-mail list.


Also join our group on facebook. We'll keep it updated with events, share pictures, and there's a forum for discussion of graduate student issues.

LKSC 4th Floor

The facilities on the 4th floor include multiple study and conference rooms, lounge areas (including a deck with a beautiful view of the hills and a large-screen, high-definition TV that hopefully will be functional before the start of the World Cup!), a well equipped fitness center, shower rooms, a photocopier, and common computer facilities. Lane Library services will also be available through remote and on-site consultation. Some of these facilities are available now, and others (including the fitness center) will be available soon.

To clarify the rules about access to the LKSC 4th floor: Access is available to all Ph.D. students in the 13 Biosciences programs (including Biology and Biophysics) and in Bioengineering, regardless of whether their dissertation work is being conducted in a School of Medicine laboratory or elsewhere on campus. Access is also available to M.D. students and M.S. students in School of Medicine programs. Because the spaces are limited in size, their use is restricted to such students, and faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and staff do not have access. Similarly, students in other programs such as Chemistry, Physics, other Engineering departments, etc., are NOT eligible to use the spaces unless they are working in a School of Medicine laboratory or there is a special inter-program event to which they have been invited as individuals.

Please note that 4th-floor access requires a special hospital key card card to work the elevator and open the doors. These are being issued (instructions have been sent and will be sent again), but this process will take a while given the large number of cards to process. So please be patient - all will be running smoothly soon.

Use of the 4th floor is a privilege and as such we need all students to follow the Code of Conduct.

Please visit the FAQ page, but if you have any concerns or feedback on your experience feel free to email Moria (

Student Handbook  

View the 2009-10 Stanford Biosciences Graduate Student Handbook!!


Want to see some pictures from BioMASS events?

Alumni Association

Stanford University Medical Center Alumni Association represents the PhD and MD alumni of the School of Medicine. Click here to view the Alumni Magazine: Bench & Bedside

Contact BioMASS

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