Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning

Simulation in Medical Education (SiME) Seminar Series

DATE & TIME: January 23, 2009 @ 12 noon, Light lunch will be served.
LOCATION: Goodman Simulation Center, Room H3552
SPEAKER: Patrick Cregan, MD
University of Western Sydney

DETAILS: Dr. Cregan will discuss simulation from the perspective of its place in training (particularly surgical training), accreditation by professional organizations and regulatory framework in Australia. NSW, the state where Dr. Cregan works is one of only a handful in the world that specifically mentions and uses simulation in the assessment of practitioners. There are a number of current activities that are changing the training processes in Australia in which simulation will play an increasing part. The College of Surgeons has adopted SET, a competency based training program (as opposed to the apprenticeship / Halstedian approach) which has completed its first full year. Professional registration is soon to be conducted at a Federal level and will likely include the use of simulation in similar manner to NSW and the Federal government is funding a large scale ($5 million) program of assessment of the use of simulation in Surgical Training - the Simulated Surgical Skills Program.

PATRICK CREGAN: Dr. Cregan is Associate Professor Surgery University of Western Sydney, and Clinical Program Director of Surgery, Sydney West Area Health Service. He is Chair, Surgical Services Taskforce NSW Dept of Health. Dr. Cregan is a founding member of the Australasian Society for Simulation in Healthcare and a member of the Programme Committee for Medicine Meets Virtual Reality. Dr. Cregan practices in Penrith, in Western Sydney, with a special interest in bariatric, endocrine and laparoscopic surgery. His current research interests include, surgical robotics, high performance computing and surgery, hapto-visual environments and simulation in surgery.

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